KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script - page 52 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script

  • 1068 Replies
Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #510 on: 24 / June / 2015, 23:58:58 »
2 flights done yesterday , the quality of the pictures is better in P mode than in Auto mode. Regarding the quality of the pictures for P mode with Focus @ infinity enabled/disabled I do not see a big difference , please find below the results from yesterday.
Can you link to one or two representative pictures and the kap.log files?  Your huge download file is going to take over 20 minutes at the rate it's coming from the server site you use.

Edit :  never mind - it finally downloaded.  Some of those pictures are quite good - IMG_4859.JPG or IMG_4928.JPG for example.  Doesn't seem to matter much if the camera was in AF mode or AFL mode.

You have the shutter speed locked at 1/2000 for Tv target, max, and min values.  You might want to drop the min value to 1./500.  The script won't use anything that slow unless it gets dark enough that it can't get the exposure any other way.
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2015, 00:20:38 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #511 on: 25 / June / 2015, 02:22:10 »

b7 log attached, pictures are uploaded onto the Drive.
there are 2 sets of pictures:
1. same direction handheld 1-5 - batch illumination problem solved I would say.
2. I was spinning like hell. 6-10 - I wanted to get TV 1/5000 but I only got 1/2000.
Log says 1/5000 EXIF says 1/2000

 is it a multicopter or a fixed wing?
What altitude were you flying at?

I am going out to the forest...
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2015, 02:26:15 by netptl39 »
S110, SX200is,

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #512 on: 25 / June / 2015, 07:17:12 »
  The image EXIF info is not always correct when you use CHDK to extend the exposure range.  The only way to tell if you can get 1/5000 is to override the shutter, aperture, ISO, and NDFilter from the CHDK menu at different exposure settings and examine the resulting images of the same subject and illumination for brightness at different Tv values. People report changes up to at least 1/10000 on cameras far less expensive than your S110!

Edit : You could also take a couple of shots with the script while varying the Tv target setting between 1/1000, 1/2000, and 1/5000 and observe the effect.

Note that on your S110,  you probably should set the minAv and tartget Av values to f2.0 to maximize shutter speed and minimize ISO setting used.
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2015, 07:43:15 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #513 on: 25 / June / 2015, 12:22:08 »

 is it a multicopter or a fixed wing?
What altitude were you flying at?

I am going out to the forest...

Yes it is a fixed wing flying at 100 m altitude , cruise speed around 55km/h.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #514 on: 25 / June / 2015, 13:34:44 »
Pictures of today's flight have been uploaded to the folder. KAP log attached.
the camera did not start with the
Code: [Select]
PWM_required_repeats = 1 setting the camera did not start to work just listed the input readings.
After changing to 0 camera worked.
Did you change anything else?
pictures are larger than ever, and the time between the shots went from 1.1 to 1.3+ seconds. I need to go to 1.1 or under.
Is there any delay that I can decrease?
S110, SX200is,

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #515 on: 25 / June / 2015, 13:48:20 »
the camera did not start with the
Code: [Select]
PWM_required_repeats = 1 setting the camera did not start to work just listed the input readings. After changing to 0 camera worked.
This is correct.  I heard from James Gentles about the gentwire-USB2 device and it only sends one pulse per servo channel PWM change. 

So PWM_required_repeats = 0 is the correct setting when using that device.

I don't understand why you get so many ch2mid pulses though?  According to what I learned about the gentwire-USB2 you should not be seeing that.  If you don't have an explanation of something you are doing to cause that I will contact James again.

Did you change anything else?  pictures are larger than ever, and the time between the shots went from 1.1 to 1.3+ seconds. I need to go to 1.1 or under.
I have not changed anything that would affect file size of the JPG images.  And there should be nothing in the script that will affect file size either.  Are you sure you have not changed anything in the Canon menus?  I am currently getting shooting rates just under 1 second per picture on my S100.

Update : I just looked at a couple of your images - one from yesterday shot on the ground and the other from today of the forest.  Today's JPG is 8M and yesterday's JPG is only 4M.  Looking at the EXIF data,  the only two things that change are the orientation and ISO setting.  The smaller picture was at ISO500 while the larger picture was at ISO1600.   Typically ISO values over 400 start to get noisy and then get really noisy above ISO1200.  So I wonder if it's possible that the ISO1600 JPG's just do not compress as well due to all the noise in the image?

(Note - dropping the Av values to f2.0 will help the script run at lower ISO settings).

Is there any delay that I can decrease?
Not that I know of - I've already been down that route and eliminated or shortened every delay I could find.

Are you starting with an empty SD card each time?
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2015, 14:05:51 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #516 on: 25 / June / 2015, 16:50:17 »
You are right! The pictures from today looked much better than the previous ones. I surely have to get the f2.0 set and hope for the best. Some of today's forest images are too bright.

Today I started out with a clean SD card, but I have a 32GB - 90Mb/s write speed SD card so that should not be the bottleneck. Do you have any suggestions how I could go back to under 1.1s interval or what caused the increase?

Input PWM on ch2 are stable at 1500. maybe I need to trim that a little up or down. I'll play with that in the weekend.

We have to somehow give back the shot control to the autopilot for each shot and still have the ~1s interval. Even if the same settings of the first picture persist throughout the entire session. Do you see any chance for this?

Otherwise I cannot get the GPS and IMU data injected into the EXIF or have any kind of correlation between flight and pictures.
S110, SX200is,


Offline reyalp

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Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #517 on: 25 / June / 2015, 16:52:54 »
Do you have any suggestions how I could go back to under 1.1s interval or what caused the increase?
High ISO typically adds significant processing time.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #518 on: 25 / June / 2015, 17:28:02 »

Tapatalk-kal küldve az én GT-P5110-el

S110, SX200is,

Re: KAP & UAV Exposure Control Intervalometer Script
« Reply #519 on: 25 / June / 2015, 17:52:59 »
You are right! The pictures from today looked much better than the previous ones. I surely have to get the f2.0 set and hope for the best. Some of today's forest images are too bright.
But f2.0 will make things even brighter.   You are probably better off letting the script do its job providing the fastest shutter speed at lowest acceptable ISO by giving it a range of values to work with  Set the  min & max Av range  to f2.0 to f8.0. Set Av target to f2.  Same goes for the ISO values -  ISO min =100,  ISO threshold 1 = 400, ISO threshold = 1600.  And the shutter speeds at Tv target 1/1000,  Tv min 1/500,  Tv max 1/5000.

Do you have any suggestions how I could go back to under 1.1s interval or what caused the increase?
As discussed, shooting at ISO1600 is a problem if you want 1 second speeds. File sizes get bigger and in-camera processing times go up.

Input PWM on ch2 are stable at 1500. maybe I need to trim that a little up or down.
But why are ch2mid pulses being generated repeatedly?  Look at the log - this sequence just keeps repeating :
Code: [Select]
2015Jun25 11:03:35     * usb pulse = ch2mid (150 mSec)
2015Jun25 11:03:38     * usb pulse = idle pulse (210 mSec)
2015Jun25 11:03:39     * usb pulse = ch2mid (150 mSec)
2015Jun25 11:03:41     * usb pulse = idle pulse (210 mSec)
2015Jun25 11:03:42     * usb pulse = ch2mid (150 mSec)
2015Jun25 11:03:45     * usb pulse = idle pulse (210 mSec)
Are you doing something to make that happen?

We have to somehow give back the shot control to the autopilot for each shot and still have the ~1s interval. Even if the same settings of the first picture persist throughout the entire session. Do you see any chance for this?  Otherwise I cannot get the GPS and IMU data injected into the EXIF or have any kind of correlation between flight and pictures.
Hmmm ... a  new requirement  ;) 

The shot's time stamp in the log file is quite precise.  If you can set the camera and flight controller to the same time (or you can calculate the offset) then you should be able to sync them manually.   

Otherwise,  I've worked with bchristal in this forum thread : Provide USB signal when shutter closes to sync to an Ardupilot using one of the camera's LED's so that it can indicate preciselyl when each shot occurs.  Still a "work in process" with the Ardupilot devs - the kap_uav.lua part is done and in the current production version of the script.
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2015, 18:02:23 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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