Quote from: lanzo on 27 / November / 2016, 11:11:30Yes mate, I am searching for someone who already did the hardware to detect the "blink"I worked with bchristal on the original implementation. You can try sending him a PM and I'll send him an email directly to ask.
Yes mate, I am searching for someone who already did the hardware to detect the "blink"
PM sent, thank you very much
Quote from: lanzo on 27 / November / 2016, 16:49:15PM sent, thank you very muchIt would be good if you can share anything you learn.
I made some tests with a phototransistor I have removed from a remote, Canon S110 LED blinks too fast for me to catch the Voltage on the meter
Be aware that the tuffwing Canon IR cable actually sends 3.3V and not 5V like I said before, my fault
Quote from: lanzo on 06 / December / 2016, 00:28:17Be aware that the tuffwing Canon IR cable actually sends 3.3V and not 5V like I said before, my faultTechnically the tuffwing Canon IR cable does not "send" anything - 3.3V or 5V. It contains a phototransistor that acts as a switch that changes to a low impedance state when enough light enters it's lens (causing a base to emitter current that allows a much larger collector to emitter current to flow). So the three wires in the cable hook to +V, GND, and signal from the flight controller. I suspect it will work just as well with V=3.3V as it does with V=5V.
In this case, cable for log photo time, it is the module that sends an on or off signal to the pixhawk (signal) pin.
Quote from: lanzo on 07 / December / 2016, 19:47:51In this case, cable for log photo time, it is the module that sends an on or off signal to the pixhawk (signal) pin.Agreed!At the risk of being pedantic, the module gets 5V or 3.3V from a flight controller and returns that voltage to one of the flight controller's inputs when the camera shutter is open as indicated by the designated camera LED. My point is that the module does not "source" any power - it simply switches a voltage that it gets from the flight controller back to the flight controller when the camera LED is illuminated. So the cable should work for flight controllers that use 3.3V or 5V.
I'm not an electronic expert but I can't buy from USA right now so I have to try to make this cable by myself
Can you point me to a script that leaves the S110 LED ON?
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