Some interesting questions about an old Canon Power Shot A430 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Some interesting questions about an old Canon Power Shot A430

  • 2 Replies
Some interesting questions about an old Canon Power Shot A430
« on: 23 / October / 2013, 01:25:28 »
Hi, once upon a time I was found in my Canon digital camera some data about when it was dropped on the floor or when it suffered a shock or impact. I can not remember did I found some combination by pressing keys or I read it from some settings in CHDK. I remember that I found exactly date when my four years daughter dropped camera. Can anyone help me to find that secret logs in camera?


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Re: Some interesting questions about an old Canon Power Shot A430
« Reply #1 on: 23 / October / 2013, 01:36:31 »
The version screen described in usually contains the most recent errors and the time they occurred.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Some interesting questions about an old Canon Power Shot A430
« Reply #2 on: 23 / October / 2013, 02:39:47 »
Thank you, I already have vers.req which btw contains next text
Code: [Select]
there is nothing in here really.
or is it? you won't find it, i betcha. you can even go HEX on me.

I've got three "screens"
Canon Power Shot A430
P-ID 30 F8 PAL
Firmware version and date
Adj ver and ZoomLensError with exactly date
Total Shoot: xxx
Open Shutter: 0
Close Shutter: 0

With ver.req (that I made) I've got only two "screens"
Canon Power Shot A430
P-ID 30 F8 PAL
Firmware version and date
Adj ver and ZoomLensError with exactly date
« Last Edit: 23 / October / 2013, 03:06:37 by PollyWell »


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