Thanks waterwingz [and thanks for the script also (if closely examined all of these 'things' add to the understanding of others) - and that is a 'gift'].
I can think of other ways to make the script support precision sync but they all tend to be a kludge. For example, the script watches the USB status for a pulseIf it sees a short pulse ( <500mSec) , then it goes into shooting mode and starts a shot ( shoot() ) the next time the USB power turns on. If USB Sync is enabled, the shot will wait for the USB power to go back to 0V to complete - effectively syncing all cameras If it sees the USB power stay active for >500mSec, it switches to PTP transfer mode (i.e. USB remote disabled) and stays there until the USB power goes away. The code gets more complicated at that point and it requires some skill or a uController to generate the correct pulses. But its possible.
any ideas on how to keep the cameras on all the time, ps (they are running on ac power)
any idea on how to pre set the zoom using the usbptp script on auto start up.
Any idea how i can get window to see them?
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