On the second night, at least half the time it would take a picture, it would barely process the image afterwards - you know when you get the busy message for a while after a long exposure.
Was really quick. Every time that would happen, the image would look okay, except for a what looked like an overexposure on the right side of the screen, covering maybe 20% of the total picture.
I think you pin pointed the problem. Also, if you take a look at my image, you can notice funny little tails on some of the stars. Don't know what that is, but it's not in the images w/o the light, that apparently also took a dark frame.
I'm not sure about the streaks, I've had something like that from the camera moving when I started the exposure but it doesn't look quite the same.
The purple at the top looks like typical amp glow. It's normally more intense in the corners, but I guess that's a crop.
The camera is moved on the beginning of the exposure. The tails are visible only on the brightest stars because the sensor has not yet collected enough light from stars that are not so bright.
This script http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Meteor_Intervalometer_with_Dark_Frame_Management can be used to create dark frames.Programs like raw therapee let your specify a dark frame to use when processing your raw file.
I was noticing the corner thing on most of the photos I found the web showing amp glow. My photo was not actually a crop.
You guys are probably both right. I didn't use my timer remote on a few shots, so maybe I shook the camera/tripod a bit when taking the shot
The shot you posted is not the sensors native 4:3 aspect ratio, so it's effectively a crop even though you didn't crop it. If you shoot 4:3, I bet you will see more in the corners.
Hmmm, I almost always shoot that camera at 4:3. So, not sure what is going on there. The ones w/o the amp glow may have been cropped by me after the fact, if you're looking at those?
Quick follow up on another night out. I set dark frame to "on" instead of "auto". This time every image had that glow on the right hand side, although this time it was more green in color. Last time it was more blue in color
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