kap_uav is very close to that but does not work on my test version of A2500.
Is anyone aware of such a script ?
kap_uav + A2500 testing- I am entering AV min / target / max, min being above 2.8, but pictures still taken at 2.8- I am selecting min speed 1/1000 but it takes 1/250 picsIt maybe solely related to the a2500 as I am unable to find the right way to force an aperture above 2.8...
It maybe solely related to the a2500 as I am unable to find the right way to force an aperture above 2.8...
- Does that mean that the 6.9 value showing on the lens front (2.8 - 6.9) is an extrapolated value from an ND filter value ?
do you mean that a setting can switch the ND filter off ?
Would love to find somewhere a basic "M" script where one can simply force - manual speed, - manual aperture, - manual iso- super basic intervalometerkap_uav is very close to that but does not work on my test version of A2500.Is anyone aware of such a script ?
--[[ Manual Control@title ManCtrl 1.1@param i Shot Interval (sec) @default i 10 @range i 0 10000@param t Tv (sec) @default t 2 @values t 1/30 1/60 1/100 1/200 1/400 1/800 1/1000 1/2000 1/5000 1/10000@param a Av (f-stop) @default a 6 @values a 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.0@param s Sv (ISO) @default s 1 @values s 80 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 @param m Av Mode @default m 0 @values m None Iris NdFin NdFOut--]]-- initialize local variablesav_mode = minterval = i*1000tv_table = { 471, 567, 638, 734, 830, 926, 957, 1053 , 1180 , 1276}tv96setpoint = tv_table[t+1]av_table = { 218, 254, 285, 322, 347, 384, 417, 446, 477, 510, 543, 576 }av96setpoint = av_table[a+1]sv_table = { 380, 411, 507, 603, 699, 795, 891 } sv96setpoint = sv_table[s+1]-- switch to shooting mode if necessary if ( get_mode() == false ) then set_record(1) while ( get_mode() == false ) do sleep(100) end end-- ========================== Main Program ================================= set_console_layout(1 ,5, 45, 12 ) print("Manual Control Starting") print("press Menu Key to exit ...") sleep(500) shot_count=1 repeat timestamp = get_tick_count() print("shot ", shot_count) if (av_mode==2) then set_nd_filter(1) -- activate the ND filter elseif (av_mode==3) then set_nd_filter(2) -- deactivate the ND filter elseif (av_mode==1) then set_av96_direct(av96setpoint) end set_sv96(sv96setpoint) set_tv96_direct(tv96setpoint) shoot() sleep(500) shot_count = shot_count+1 repeat wait_click(100) until ( is_key("menu") or (get_tick_count() > timestamp + interval)) until ( is_key("menu") or (interval ==0))
Do you think you could add a last choice Jpg / Super Fine Jpg / Raw ?
- Intervalometer : as prev. discussed, same here : I have to dial in 10 seconds to get actual 5 seconds between shots. Must be the camera... Again...
- It is taking 2 consecutive pics each time, one with the input parameters, and an extra - and better - pic if overexposed with different parameters. Must be some "fallback" parameter somewhere...
For instance, for 2 pictures with "man_ctrl.lua" intervalometer, it took 4 :Pic 1 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F7.9 - Camera lens advertises 2.8 - 6.9 :-) - 30% of the pic overexposedPic 2 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F7.9 - Correct expoPic 3 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - 60% of the pic overexposed (blinking zone during display)Pic 4 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - Correct expo
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