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Simple "M" script ?

  • 13 Replies
Simple "M" script ?
« on: 04 / November / 2013, 09:33:03 »
Would love to find somewhere a basic "M" script where one can simply force
- manual speed,
- manual aperture,
- manual iso
- super basic intervalometer

kap_uav is very close to that but does not work on my test version of A2500.

Is anyone aware of such a script ?

Thank you

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #1 on: 04 / November / 2013, 09:52:59 »
kap_uav is very close to that but does not work on my test version of A2500.
what exactly does not work?

Is anyone aware of such a script ?
5 minute job to code in Lua - I'll post something later today.
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Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #2 on: 04 / November / 2013, 12:45:14 »
True, I should be more precise sorry.

kap_uav + A2500 testing

- I am entering AV min / target /  max, min being above 2.8, but pictures still taken  at 2.8
- I am choosing 10 seconds delay and get actually 5 seconds delay (you commented on another thread)
- I am selecting min speed 1/1000 but it takes 1/250 pics

It maybe solely related to the a2500 as I am unable to find the right way to force an aperture above 2.8...
« Last Edit: 04 / November / 2013, 12:47:21 by philgib »

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #3 on: 04 / November / 2013, 14:51:35 »

kap_uav + A2500 testing

- I am entering AV min / target /  max, min being above 2.8, but pictures still taken  at 2.8
- I am selecting min speed 1/1000 but it takes 1/250 pics
It maybe solely related to the a2500 as I am unable to find the right way to force an aperture above 2.8...

I have commented on that script here and elsewhere.
Assuming the A2500 is similar to the A2400, it has an ND filter rather than an aperture diaphragm.
You want the camera to shoot at 1/1000 at some unstated ISO value.
The only way it can attempt to do that (and fail as it happens) is swing-out the ND filter.

Under those conditions you have the real physical aperture of f2.8.
It cannot change (at a particular zoom setting).

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #4 on: 04 / November / 2013, 15:00:31 »
Interesting, thank you.

- Does that mean that the 6.9 value showing on the lens front (2.8 - 6.9) is an extrapolated value from an ND filter setting ?

- When you say "swing out" - sorry, English is only my 3rd language, I guess it has nothing to do with exchanging partners - :blink: :P -, do you mean that a setting can switch the ND filter off  ?  I have the ND filter state as "off" but no improvement...
« Last Edit: 04 / November / 2013, 15:09:49 by philgib »

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #5 on: 04 / November / 2013, 15:07:16 »
It maybe solely related to the a2500 as I am unable to find the right way to force an aperture above 2.8...
I already anwered that question for you :
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Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #6 on: 04 / November / 2013, 15:10:27 »

- Does that mean that the 6.9 value showing on the lens front (2.8 - 6.9) is an extrapolated value from an ND filter value ?
No, that is the real value at the telephoto setting.
Technically, the definition of f-number depends on the distance to the sensor and the diameter of the virtual image of the aperture.
Both change when you zoom.
(a virtual image is one that only exists in space, it cannot be focused onto a surface).

do you mean that a setting can switch the ND filter off  ?

CHDK can force the filter into position or out of position.
When the filter is in position, the reported f-number does indeed change, but this is not a change in the physical size of the aperture.
It is simply the value to be used when calculating the exposure.

It normally reduces the light by a factor of 8x.

So, for fast shutter speed you want to force the ND filter out.

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #7 on: 04 / November / 2013, 15:28:35 »
Would love to find somewhere a basic "M" script where one can simply force
- manual speed,
- manual aperture,
- manual iso
- super basic intervalometer

kap_uav is very close to that but does not work on my test version of A2500.

Is anyone aware of such a script ?

Here you go - save it as "man_ctrl.lua"

Code: [Select]
--[[ Manual Control
@title ManCtrl 1.1
@param     i Shot Interval (sec)
  @default i 10
  @range   i 0 10000
@param     t Tv (sec)
  @default t 2
  @values  t 1/30 1/60 1/100 1/200 1/400 1/800 1/1000 1/2000 1/5000 1/10000
@param     a Av (f-stop)
  @default a 6
  @values  a 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.6 6.3 7.1 8.0
@param     s Sv (ISO)
  @default s 1
  @values  s 80 100 200 400 800 1600 3200
 @param    m Av Mode
  @default m 0
  @values  m None Iris NdFin NdFOut
-- initialize local variables
av_mode  = m
interval = i*1000
tv_table = { 471, 567, 638, 734, 830, 926, 957, 1053 , 1180  , 1276}
tv96setpoint = tv_table[t+1]
av_table = { 218, 254, 285, 322, 347, 384, 417, 446, 477, 510, 543, 576 }
av96setpoint = av_table[a+1]
sv_table = { 380, 411, 507, 603, 699, 795, 891 }
sv96setpoint = sv_table[s+1]

-- switch to shooting mode if necessary
    if ( get_mode() == false ) then
        while ( get_mode() == false ) do sleep(100) end

--  ========================== Main Program =================================
    set_console_layout(1 ,5, 45, 12 )
    print("Manual Control Starting")
    print("press Menu Key to exit ...")
        timestamp = get_tick_count()
        print("shot ", shot_count)
        if      (av_mode==2) then
            set_nd_filter(1)                        -- activate the ND filter
        elseif  (av_mode==3) then
            set_nd_filter(2)                        -- deactivate the ND filter
        elseif  (av_mode==1) then
        shot_count = shot_count+1
        repeat wait_click(100) until ( is_key("menu") or (get_tick_count() > timestamp + interval))
    until ( is_key("menu") or (interval ==0))

Update : modified so that a zero second interval time causes the script only to take one shot
« Last Edit: 04 / November / 2013, 20:18:26 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #8 on: 05 / November / 2013, 00:39:34 »
Great ! Thx so much !

- Do you think you could add a last choice Jpg / Super Fine Jpg / Raw ?
- Intervalometer : as prev. discussed, same here : I have to dial in 10 seconds to get actual 5 seconds between shots. Must be the camera... Again...
- It is taking 2 consecutive pics each time, one with the input parameters, and an extra - and better - pic if overexposed with different parameters. Must be some "fallback" parameter somewhere...

For instance, for 2 pictures with "man_ctrl.lua" intervalometer, it took 4 :
Pic 1 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F7.9  - Camera lens advertises 2.8 - 6.9 :-) - 30% of the pic overexposed
Pic 2 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F7.9 - Correct expo
Pic 3 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - 60% of the pic overexposed (blinking zone during display)
Pic 4 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - Correct expo

Anyway your script will definintely fly on my drone on Thursday :-)
« Last Edit: 05 / November / 2013, 06:32:22 by philgib »

Re: Simple "M" script ?
« Reply #9 on: 05 / November / 2013, 06:54:56 »
Do you think you could add a last choice Jpg / Super Fine Jpg / Raw ?
Yes - easy to do.  But you can do all that from the CHDK menus. You might also want to take a look at the CHDK User Menu if you want to further customize.

- Intervalometer : as prev. discussed, same here : I have to dial in 10 seconds to get actual 5 seconds between shots. Must be the camera... Again...
Looks like this has been mentioned on the A2500 porting thread.  This is still an unstable port.

- It is taking 2 consecutive pics each time, one with the input parameters, and an extra - and better - pic if overexposed with different parameters. Must be some "fallback" parameter somewhere...
Something else broken in the A2500 port from the looks of it.  There are no "fallback" parameters in CHDK.

For instance, for 2 pictures with "man_ctrl.lua" intervalometer, it took 4 :
Pic 1 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F7.9  - Camera lens advertises 2.8 - 6.9 :-) - 30% of the pic overexposed
Pic 2 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F7.9 - Correct expo
Pic 3 : Mode P - 1/100 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - 60% of the pic overexposed (blinking zone during display)
Pic 4 : Mode P - 1/1000 - Iso 100 - F 7.9 - Correct expo
Does it take 2 picture together,  then pause for the intervalometer delay,  then two more pictures?
« Last Edit: 05 / November / 2013, 06:57:21 by waterwingz »
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