Hi, so I own a Canon Powershot A1200 and its processor is too weak for low light / night environments, it slows it down considerably and made me miss some shots...
So, is there a way to limit the overexposure attempt for the camera in previde mode at least ? With or without CHDK, but I do have it installed on my SD card.
You probably want to set the "AF Frame" menu item to "Center" and the "AF Frame Size" to "Small". Turn off the "Servo AF" menu seting and enable the "AF-assist Beam" setting.
As reyalp said - this slow camera response is due to calculating the live view from very dark scene. Processor has to do many calculation per each frame. The same happens for my sx130 is.
A bit off topic about a diferent problem... the shutter button has recently been acting weird, most of the time when I half-shutter then decide to shoot it releases focus and re-focuses then shoots, exacly like if I physically release and press fully press it. I think it's a mechanical problem, the button contacts might be dirty or something... but warranty service is pretty far away, is it safe to unscrew it or should I really take it to the service ?
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