Had a chance today to look at the posted firmware dumps for the G16 1.00H and 1.01A.
Right off the bat, it was interesting that they are 2x the size of the dumps for other DIGIC6 cameras like the SX280, G7X, and SX60. And then the capstone based sigfinder2 basically barfed on parsing those PRIMARY.BIN files when I tried to build a CHDK version for the G16. It didn't really find much useful at all.
So I ran the latest version of the
Universal Dumper on a G16 that I had "laying around". And I got a much more useable file - something that results in a stubs_entry.S file equivalent to the sx280.
While I expect this is most likely an issue with the memory offset issues that the dumper used when the G16 firmware was dumped, it does suggest that the existing PRIMARY.BIN files for the G16 are not useful in their present form.