A2600 porting - page 2 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A2600 porting

  • 15 Replies

Offline srsa_4c

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Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #10 on: 28 / February / 2015, 17:54:38 »
Test conducted by version posted

CHDK installation
CardTricks v1.44
1GB microSD card

Camera used - Canon PowerShot A2600 100d

During testing the camera behaved normally, as well as the CHDK.

Camera and CHDK stable
Thank you very much for testing and reporting.

I'll proceed adding the port to trunk and enable autobuild. I'll also add it to the CHDK 1.3 branch later.

Note that CardTricks won't be able to install CHDK for this camera on cards bigger than 4GB, you'll need to choose a different method to install: http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Prepare_your_SD_card .

Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #11 on: 01 / March / 2015, 12:32:52 »
Thanks! look forward to version 1.3 on the downloads page


Offline wdt

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Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #12 on: 02 / March / 2015, 09:33:05 »
I am no expert with CHDK but everything seemed to work OK,
scripts completed without errors (100c)
Two cameras share in the manual , a1400 & a2600
a1400 has 2 AA batterys
In linux STICK did not work, damaged a hard drive partition, testdisk saved me..
Had to do a dd of BOOTDISK into right place
LICKS also did not work
please place link for non-timed out build here


Offline zeno

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Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #13 on: 02 / March / 2015, 10:38:20 »
Hi Dave

my apologies for the problems you had with STICK and LICKS under Linux. I have not updated my copy of Ubuntu for well over a year (I run it under VMWare Fusion on my Mac) - been very busy with other things.

I plan to revisit Linux in the near future though and may install Mint rather than updating Ubuntu.
A570, S100, Ixus 127


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #14 on: 02 / March / 2015, 12:00:34 »
I have checked in the port to the CHDK 1.3 branch.
For more information on the available builds, see http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Downloads .

Had to do a dd of BOOTDISK into right place
The easiest method to install (on cards not bigger than 32GB) is to extract the whole content of the distribution zip to the card's root directory. Then lock the card, start the cam in playback mode, find and execute "Firm update" in the Canon menu and (after the cam restarts) execute "Miscellaneous stuff" -> "SD Card" -> "Make card bootable" in the CHDK menu.
A few things to remember:
- the ALT button is the playback button (press it for a bit longer for the button's original function)
- this CHDK port only supports cards with one partition
- autoboot is only possible from FAT or FAT32 partitions, the camera (and Windows) will format cards bigger than 32GB as exFAT


Offline wdt

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Re: A2600 porting
« Reply #15 on: 02 / March / 2015, 22:38:17 »
thanks for link
>find and execute "Firm update" in the Canon menu
There was no ps.fir in test version
>autoboot is only possible from FAT or FAT32 partitions, the camera (and Windows) will format cards bigger than 32GB as exFAT
Linux does not have this limitation, but I only have a 8 gb card
Thanks for port


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