I have
checked in the port to the CHDK 1.3 branch.
For more information on the available builds, see
http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/Downloads .
Had to do a dd of BOOTDISK into right place
The easiest method to install (on cards not bigger than 32GB) is to extract the whole content of the distribution zip to the card's root directory. Then lock the card, start the cam in playback mode, find and execute "Firm update" in the Canon menu and (after the cam restarts) execute "Miscellaneous stuff" -> "SD Card" -> "Make card bootable" in the CHDK menu.
A few things to remember:
- the ALT button is the playback button (press it for a bit longer for the button's original function)
- this CHDK port only supports cards with one partition
- autoboot is only possible from FAT or FAT32 partitions, the camera (and Windows) will format cards bigger than 32GB as exFAT