I've had my Canon PowerShot A560 for awhile now, and upon originally equipping it with the CHDK, I had hoped to somehow raise the rate at which it could capture video, with all disregard for image resolution or quality. I knew and still know of ways to boost the camera's CPU clock speed to assist in achieving 90-240 fps, but I don't want to risk getting greedy and burning out the CPU. I'm looking for someone who can help me find a way to use CHDK scripts to up an equipped camera's video capture frame rate, or tell me how and that it is impossible. In the meantime, I will be trying to get an at least tenuous grasp on general-purpose coding in the CHDK.
On a personal note, my camera's warranty expired YEARS ago! XD Then again, it IS the only one I have/can afford to have at the moment.
All replies are appreciated, thank you!