Setting focus from scripts or menus - page 13 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Setting focus from scripts or menus

  • 601 Replies
Here are the results for my A4000.
Thanks for the log.  It looks like none of the various methods work for the A400.

The A4000 seems to be difficult to set the focus on.  I finally got it to work last July as per the following message in the A4000 development thread:  At least that was the case with CHDK as available last July.  I haven't tried it with a newer version since.
Its should still work with the most recent CHDK version.  I'll admit to missing that post - its something else we probably need to look at testing across more cameras.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline reyalp

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Its should still work with the most recent CHDK version.  I'll admit to missing that post - its something else we probably need to look at testing across more cameras.

"MoveFocusLensToDistance" should be the underlying function that CHDK overrides use, via lens_set_focus_pos.

This appears to be found correctly by the sig finder, so it's a bit of a mystery why it would work as an eventproc but not when called from CHDK.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline fe50

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  • IXUS50 & 860, SX10 Star WARs-Star RAWs
    • fe50
MF_Test 2.8 with default settings, CHDKDE 1.3.0_3303
  • IXUS 860 (SD870) 1.00C (M mode)
  • IXUS 50 (SD400) 1.01B (M mode)
  • SX10 1.01A (P mode)

...the ancient VXworks IXUS 50 doesn't really know what Continuous_AF or Servo_AF is...
« Last Edit: 06 / January / 2014, 04:22:18 by fe50 »


Offline msl

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  • A720 IS, SX220 HS 1.01a
    • CHDK-DE links
New test result for the A720 & SX220:

A720: all ok
SX220: camera crashes if 'set_focus() only' and  'Bypass Interlocks' is activated

Test script: I have added a restore function for the configuration settings - see attachment.


SX150IS 2.8 log attached

Script update to 2.8.    Minor updates :   

1) Fixes incorrect status report of camera can't focus
2) Forcibly turns off CHDK menu override and SD override  (after I wasted several hours trying to discover why my script was crashing when interlock bypass was enabled.   :'(

Results for A810, SX240, SX30, SX40 attached. I had to set "bypass interlocks" to "no" for all cameras to avoid crashes. (Romlog from the SX40 for this case saved & included) The A810 crashed also in tests 2 and 3 (set_aflock and levent); rolog from these crashes are also included.

Results for A810, SX240, SX30, SX40 attached. I had to set "bypass interlocks" to "no" for all cameras to avoid crashes. (Romlog from the SX40 for this case saved & included) The A810 crashed also in tests 2 and 3 (set_aflock and levent); rolog from these crashes are also included.
Sorry but we really need the results with bypass set to "yes". 

The occurrence of one or more crashes is an important part of the information we are trying to gain.   Please rerun the tests with bypass on and when you get to a crash,  turn that test off using the test selection choices at the bottom of the Script menu and then run the script again.   I will be able to tell from the log that you have done that. 

Giving all the tests a chance to pass, fail, or crash is important!  Bypass Interlock On is an important part of that.


Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Test script: I have added a restore function for the configuration settings - see attachment.
Added - version bumped to v2.9 (1st post & attached).  Thanks.

Also, results spreadsheet now updated :    Let me know if you spot any errors / omissions ? TIA.
« Last Edit: 09 / January / 2014, 20:15:58 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Results for A810, SX240, SX30, SX40 attached. I had to set "bypass interlocks" to "no" for all cameras to avoid crashes. (Romlog from the SX40 for this case saved & included) The A810 crashed also in tests 2 and 3 (set_aflock and levent); rolog from these crashes are also included.
Sorry but we really need the results with bypass set to "yes". 

The occurrence of one or more crashes is an important part of the information we are trying to gain.   Please rerun the tests with bypass on and when you get to a crash,  turn that test off using the test selection choices at the bottom of the Script menu and then run the script again.   I will be able to tell from the log that you have done that. 

Giving all the tests a chance to pass, fail, or crash is important!  Bypass Interlock On is an important part of that.



No problem. Here are some new results, with "bypass interlocks" enabled. The A810 crashed in tests 3 and 5 (aflock and event procs); romlogs are included. (Fun fact about the A810: The timestamp of the file a810.csv was Jan 1 2000, while the regular clock is only one day off. Also, the romlog files had the correct timestamp)

The SX40 crashed in the set_focus test (romlog included); the other tests worked.

The SX30 crashed too in the set_focus test.

The SX240 crashed in the set_aflock test. The other tests worked. And the CSV file had also the creation date Jan 1 2000. The clock of the camera itself is correct (except that I noticed that I did not switch off DST ;)


Fun fact about the A810: The timestamp of the file a810.csv was Jan 1 2000, while the regular clock is only one day off. Also, the romlog files had the correct timestamp)
The SX240 crashed in the set_aflock test. The other tests worked. And the CSV file had also the creation date Jan 1 2000.
The timestamp inside each csv file is correct so it looks like it's the  file create is having an issue.  Not sure if its because the file gets opened in append mode the first time?  Doesn't cause us any problems here but worth noting in case it messes some other CHDK usage up.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


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