Setting focus from scripts or menus - page 19 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Setting focus from scripts or menus

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Offline srsa_4c

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No problem. Here are some new results, with "bypass interlocks" enabled. The A810 crashed in tests 3 and 5 (aflock and event procs); romlogs are included. (Fun fact about the A810: The timestamp of the file a810.csv was Jan 1 2000, while the regular clock is only one day off. Also, the romlog files had the correct timestamp)
If you have a few moments,  would you download the latest 2.11 version of the script (attached) and use the new user parameters to try and narrow down which event_procs pass, fail, or crash for your  A810 ?
I don't think that part of the test would be any different from the other same generation A series cameras, if the spreadsheet is correct, you can replace the 2 question marks with "fail". Same goes for the ixus870: neither cameras have the RegisterShootSeqEvent event procedure.

What would make sense is to add a new test method to the AF lock and MFOn tests:
Basically, MoveFocusLensToDistance should be called immediately by a script command, and setting the focus should be disabled in the capt_seq hook (not currently possible in CHDK if SD override is active). IMHO the problem part is where CHDK issues a MoveFocusLensToDistance call in "half shoot".

As I am not used to CHDK I hope I have done this correctly.

camera in 'P' mode and bypass interlocks off.

As I am not used to CHDK I hope I have done this correctly.
camera in 'P' mode and bypass interlocks off.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Canon Powershot SD780IS / IXUS 100 IS results
Canon SD780IS

A1400 results

If you have a few moments,  would you download the latest 2.11 version of the script (attached) and use the new user parameters to try and narrow down which event_procs pass, fail, or crash for your  A810 ?


Sorry for the late reply -- was out during most of the weekend. New test data is attached, including two rom logs from crashes in the set_aflock test and in SS.Create/PT_MFOn.

If I messed things up as usual, a new test may need to wait a bit  -- I'm again AFK this evening...

A1400 results
@Pieter :  I looks like you ran this test with an older version of CHDK  (rev 3260). 

Only the latest versions of CHDK have a special addition in the code that the test script needs to use.   Can you please install the latest (rev 3303 or higher) version of 1.3.0 from here : and rerun the tests ?

Thank you for your support.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

New file attached :)

If I messed things up as usual, a new test may need to wait a bit  -- I'm again AFK this evening...
A1400 results
Both dumps look good now - many thanks.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline srsa_4c

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a410 (after the recent fix), a420


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