I think you mean MF here? AFL was not treated specially in the old code.
if (shooting_get_prop(camera_info.props.af_lock))
Also, SET_LATER in AFL (and MF I think, but I'm not sure) crashes quite a few cameras, so this would break some that are currently (mostly) working.
Another alternative would be let the script decide to do SET_NOW or SET_LATER. This would not be good for script portability.
There are also some different lens control functions in the the firmware, so maybe there is something else we can call on these cameras.
For your tests, I assume you have servo and continuous AF off?
Quote from: reyalp on 30 / March / 2014, 14:25:13I think you mean MF here? AFL was not treated specially in the old code.Line 690 in luascript.c (r3382) checked this :Code: [Select]if (shooting_get_prop(camera_info.props.af_lock))Although I'm not really sure if/where that ever gets set.
I tried focus-bracketing with the SX50hs. It did of course crash, even with the modifications introduced by this excellent thread.
Hi i checked the spreadsheet several pages back and it says test info required for A1300 and A800.Do you still require test data for these, if so i can assist with A800 and two a1300regards
function update_zoom(zpos) if(zpos >= 0 ) then zstep=((get_zoom_steps()-1)*zpos)/100 print("setting zoom to "..zpos.." percent step="..zstep) sleep(200) set_zoom(zstep) sleep(1000) local count = 0 press("shoot_half") repeat sleep(100) count = count + 1 until (get_shooting() == true ) or (count > 40 ) release("shoot_half") endend
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