In response to reyalp's post about moving 1.3.0 to stable and starting 1.4.0 (
here ) I've done quite a bit of thinking about SD override modes for menu, shortcut, & bracketing.
IIRC, the options we have discussed end up looking like this :
- Do nothing. This will leave non-script SD overrides working for some cameras (those that will MF in AF mode), not working for others, and crashing completely for a few ( e.g. SX50hs)
- Add low level interlocks to prevent cameras from attempting to MF when that action either will not work or will crash. Safer but frustrating for a user when MF does not work for no apparent reason.
- Option 2 but with an OSD message appearing to indicating MF is disabled when it is.
- Option 3 with the addition of a Subject Distance Override menu that let's users do the right things to get SD overrides to work. My choice FWIW- see below.
- Attempt to make all SD override "just work". Tough one to get right. For example, do you enable/disable AFL or MF before/after each shot? AFL enabling causes a focus and exposure reading sort of like a half press. And does spytask (for example) monitor the requested state vs the actual state and take corrective actions if they don't match. It gets complicated really quickly!
Here's a couple of screen shots of what I think is needed for option four :

The first two menu items do what you expect. They could be combined into one (maybe - have not worked through all the use cases yet). I'd add hypf ( for hyperfocal distance) to the options in the second line.
The third and fourth menu items get moved here from the OSD Settings DOF Calculator, where they currently don't really belong but are there anyway.
The fifth and sixth menu items ( AFL and MF ) are toggles. Press Func/Set and they invert the current AFL or MF state of the camera and show a dialog box confirming what just happened. If one mode is enabled, the other should probably be disabled automatically?
Also, when you exit this menu, you get a warning message if you have requested an override and the current camera mode ( AFL, MF, AF) won't support it.
If this seems like a reasonable approach, I'll finish up the patch file and submit for testing. Comments?
Update : lots of details to work out here. For example, toggling AFL or MF are immediate changes - so you'll get an error message if you try to do it in playback mode. And they only "stick" until the camera powers off. Might want to move SD bracketing menu options here too? I'm sure there are a few dozen other "gotcha's" but this is the simplest useful change I can come up with.