i am testing set focus on the G1X in Av mode, but it doesn't seem to work as I expected.
in case you are wondering
safety MF is off in the menu.
since i am going for a large distance (40-50 meter) i suspected it not to be exact and was wondering how to narrow that down to less than 2000, the script sets focus somewhere +/-15000 from set_focus(45000) at start....and sometimes even more.
but before i am cracking my head over how to solve that i noticed something else...
after looking at the images had the feeling focus changes between shots although the cam states AFL on display after starting the script.
so i added a get_focus() after each shot and that seemed to confirm my feeling: the values change between shots.
then I tried manual focus, and if i then use set focus the same happens: focus runs away after some shots.
the script uses press'shoot_half' and that might interfere with actual settings, so i tried adding a set_focus(45000) just before click'shoot_full' but no change there in MF or AF....focus value still changes between shots.
Did i overlook some setting or is this common with the G1X?
the code I'm using to set focus is from Ultimate Intervalometer:
local sd_modes = get_sd_over_modes() -- get camera's available MF modes - use AFL if possible, else MF if available
if ( bitand(sd_modes, 0x02) ~= 0 ) then
elseif ( bitand(sd_modes, 0x04) ~= 0 ) then
if (get_prop(props.FOCUS_MODE) ~= 1) then printf("Warning:MF enable failed***") end
if (sd_modes>0) then
printf("First position:Get Focus:"..get_focus())
starting the cam in Av with AF, script locks AFL and sets focus: display shows AFL:
this is a small part of the closest run i got: get_focus() values of first 15 images.
45500, 45500, 45500, 45500, 45500, 49500, 49500, 61346, 49500, 38636, 49500, 49500, 49500, 49500, 49500 etc
this log was shot in Av priority, but it did not seem to make a difference in the results