I have not really everything understood, what you have talked about the last days. Yes I’m still a Rookie…
We found a timing related problem on the G1X where it appears that another task was modifying the raw buffer. It happened with my time lapse script in single shot, but not in continuous mode, and only when the exposure time was >1 second. We never figured out what caused it, but I was able to work around it by always running in continuous mode.
I made a test with my G1X last day. I run rawopint.lua which is not in continuous mode. All Canon RAW pictures with exposure time >1 second and >= ISO400 where OK. Can there a difference between CHDK DNG Files and Canon RAW Files?
may have been related to high ISO noise reduction that was an advertised new feature on the G1X.
Can this switch off with CHDK?
Unfortunately with exposure time from 4s the Intervall can be faster than 10s.
On my EOS1200D I can switch it off in the Camera.
For my S110 and G1X I found no Camera Menu…
About my last Test with G1X and rawopint.lua:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRid9lNPFOA1) I found differences between ISO Values in the log File and EXIF Data. The Last Picture in the log File has ISO800, which I expect, but EXIF Data has ISO1600. In the EXIF Data there is a jump between ISO400 to ISO1000. I found no ISO800 in EXIF.
2) This is the first time, where I had flicker with your script. I analyzed the JPG pictures in the following way:
I calculated A = (R*0.3 + G*0.59 + B*0.11) for every Pixel. Then I calculated a mean Value for all pictures and plot these values (flicker was around picture 360). Interesting results for me:
- Flicker was only at ISO320 (The last runs on S110 where only until ISO200)
- look at the zoom plot around picture 360, how continually the progress off the mean value is…This is not random. The steps look like 1/3 EV steps.
Do you have the possibility, to analyze your EXIF data, when you had the flicker? May be there are also concentrated on some ISO values….
May be that is stupid what I am thinking now.
When I wrote my script I notice, when I made set_tv96_direct(xxx), that the Camera rounded this to an APEX value in 32 steps. Then I had problems on some other point. But from that time I rounded the value in 32 steps before I wrote it to the camera, I had no problems anymore. May be that has nothing to do with the problem.
ISO works in steps to?
Who do you make this with the ISO values? You write not rounded values true?
But how is the ISO function realized in the Camera. I think it is just an amplifier.
Can it be that not every step is realized?
So when this is a problem, I can see it when I run isoinc until ISO400?
On my last test I stopped around ISO200…