Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10

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Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« on: 02 / January / 2014, 01:58:21 »
First post,

If you're the sort of person who had to struggle to figure out that "HOLD FUNC SET --> PRESS TRASH" meant hold func set and then QUICKLY press trash, or else you'd be staring at the system clock... then these instructions are for you, too.  :'(

If you've been trying hard to load CHDK through gloved hands and foggy lenses, then you're already at the end of your rope. But guess what, you're in luck. The page was just not worded very well for people who have to have everything worded perfectly right so they don't waste time being edge cases. Don't throw your camera into the nearest geological discontinuity. Here are the proper instructions.  :D

I've struggled for some time to find the right way to get CHDK loaded on my Canon Powershot D10.

I'd just like to say that the pages here, if read carefully, would seem to dissuade the D10 owner from trying to use the method where you load CHDK via firmware update, enter the <alt> menu via the assignable button, and then "make bootable" from inside that menu. If you go to the page about making a card bootable , and skip everything under "Cameras made after 2010" and go to the section for "before 2011" (the powershot D10 is a 2009 model according to the information on this site), well all that text tells you you're left with is manually editing the card's master boot record yourself. That's not correct.

1. insert disk (write protect OFF)

2. [ This is optional: HDDLLF --> low level format (quick) ] This just gets rid of the MBR.
3. [(might be a windows 7 mounting quirk) remove and re-insert disk in the PC ]

4. command line (admin) --> diskpart --> list disk; select disk <#>; clean; create partition primary; format fs=fat quick
5. extract the contents of archive to the SD

Now, the user has two options. First, similar to the method for "cameras after 2010, using CHDK to make itself bootable", except that you have formatted the card as FAT16, NOT as FAT32:

6. load in the camera using play --> menu button --> "load firmware" (
7. press assignable button (<alt> key under CHDK) --> menu button --> miscellaneous --> SD --> make boot

The above method WILL work but NOT if you follow the page's instructions and format your card with your Powershot D10. That's because the D10 formats in FAT32 and won't boot from FAT32. So format it as above, first, in FAT (16) using your computer. I'm sure Mac's FAT formatting works just as fine.

However, there is another option (similar to the method for "cameras before 2011"):

6. edit the disk's LOGICAL drive and OVER-WRITE (not INSERT) "BOOTDISK" at 0x40 (sector 0)
7. remove the disk from the PC

HxD is a good tool for the above. Remember to make sure you're loading the disk's contents not as "read-only", that defeats the purpose. Considering this is much faster than navigating the CHDK menus to get the disk bootable, I'd say do this one, you can get several cards done much more quickly without even touching the camera.

8. re-insert disk into the camera (with write protect ON)
9. power on

The instructions as they're written on the page don't result in a success every time, but these two methods do. I know because I followed your instructions to the letter several times and messed around with various things all afternoon and evening until I found what was working and what wasn't.
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2014, 04:00:40 by GabrielAPetrie »


Offline reyalp

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Re: Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« Reply #1 on: 02 / January / 2014, 03:09:37 »
I'd just like to say that the pages here, if read carefully, would seem to dissuade the D10 owner from trying to use the method where you load CHDK via firmware update, enter the <alt> menu via the assignable button, and then "make bootable" from inside that menu.
Huh? This works fine, as long as the card is FAT16. (edit: I agree the wiki doesn't make this clear though)

Alternately, the STICK program linked on should do everything for you.

However, a lot of questions were raised in my mind while I was trying several different methods of "insert DISKBOOT at 0x40". Because no matter how I tried it, it did not result in the desired outcome. So it's obvious some language needs to be cleared up in regards to how you describe to people how to modify their boot record.
You have to write the string DISKBOOT at offset 0x40, without changing anything else. How you accomplish that is up to you.
Is there some legal reason to be obscure in the description of how to get this done properly?
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2014, 03:29:25 by reyalp »
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« Reply #2 on: 02 / January / 2014, 03:31:33 »

Huh? This works fine, as long as the card is FAT16.

No, it doesn't. I went through the exact steps as listed all morning and it didn't work. Once I grabbed some tools and took an afternoon looking at what exactly what going on each step of the way it finally sorted itself out. The page was written horribly.

Alternately, the STICK program linked on

The STICK program and every other Santa's little helper program linked to are JAVA. Yeah, good luck with that, have fun.

p.s. I edited the post so that it gets right to the proper procedure, worded correctly, so that people won't be confused in the future. The way I was, now.
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2014, 03:53:58 by GabrielAPetrie »


Offline reyalp

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Re: Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« Reply #3 on: 02 / January / 2014, 03:57:25 »

Huh? This works fine, as long as the card is FAT16.

No, it doesn't. I went through the exact steps as listed all morning and it didn't work
Yes it does. Note the as long as the card is FAT16, which means you have to format the card outside of the camera if it is 4gb.

The STICK program and every other Santa's little helper program linked to are JAVA. Yeah, good luck with that, have fun.
Your choice.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« Reply #4 on: 02 / January / 2014, 04:09:25 »

Huh? This works fine, as long as the card is FAT16.

No, it doesn't. I went through the exact steps as listed all morning and it didn't work
Yes it does. Note the as long as the card is FAT16, which means you have to format the card outside of the camera if it is 4gb.

Oh, yeah, you're right. Except that's what I was saying from the very beginning. Sorry if I didn't notice that you were telling me that I'm wrong in order to agree with me, I don't get that a lot. I'm used to things being worded correctly, there are these whole things called Technical Writing and Interpersonal Communications, that are pretty important in cases like this, yada yada, I don't have time to argue with anybody, here's the proper way to write it down, SEE TOP PARENT. Thanks.

Re: Corrections to the process of "installing" on Powershot D10
« Reply #5 on: 02 / January / 2014, 10:30:49 »
The page was written horribly.
p.s. I edited the post so that it gets right to the proper procedure, worded correctly, so that people won't be confused in the future. The way I was, now.
I'm used to things being worded correctly, there are these whole things called Technical Writing and Interpersonal Communications, that are pretty important in cases like this, yada yada,
Our volunteer technical writer just quit. Apparently she is tired of working long hour for free and facing constant negativity rather than constructively worded feedback of how to make things better.   Feel free to apply for the job.

The STICK program and every other Santa's little helper program linked to are JAVA. Yeah, good luck with that, have fun.
Seems to have worked for hundreds of CHDK and SDM users over the last couple of years.  Is there a particular issue we should be aware of?

Huh? This works fine, as long as the card is FAT16. (edit: I agree the wiki doesn't make this clear though)

I'm open to suggestions but I'm not sure how to make it more clear. From the text for cameras made prior to 2011 on that page :
"This means that for cameras released prior to January 2011 there needs to be a FAT16 partition with a slightly modified boot block. "
"For cards 4G in size or smaller, the card needs to be formatted as FAT16 and configured to be bootable. "
"Setup the SD card by creating either a single partition (FAT16) ..."
"For cards 4G or smaller, you can also follow the instructions give above for cameras released after 2010 provided you first format your SD card as FAT16 using the card reader in your PC computer."

Is there somewhere else to mention that the card needs to be formatted as FAT16?


Update :  it looks like our tech writer made that page a lot longer but hopefully clearer right before she finished packing up her desk and leaving
« Last Edit: 02 / January / 2014, 15:42:07 by waterwingz »
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