From the email they sent me
We are reaching out to you because you own an Assembla project that uses the Trac tool, and as of February, 1st 2014, we will be removing Trac from our toolset. Below are instructions on how to migrate your tickets, repository, and wiki pages from Trac to Assembla. The process requires minimal effort and we believe you will find Assembla's Ticket tool more suitable for your task/issue management needs.
Any projects with the Trac tool that have not been migrated by February, 1st 2014, will automatically be migrated. If you have any questions, please contact Assembla support
This affects the changeset and source browsing tools we have been using. It shouldn't affect svn access. We haven't been using trac tickets or wiki.
Equivalent source browsing functionality should be available in their tools, but I'm guessing old urls will be broken.
I'm trying the migration on the chdkptp project to see what happens.
I made a fresh backup of the the chdk and chdkptp svn repository and trac data.
This may also affect how chdkshell downloads source