Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS - page 2 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS

  • 25 Replies
Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #10 on: 30 / July / 2014, 21:07:31 »
Hi afish

if you look at the end of the IXUS240 porting thread here
you'll see that Harware_Hacker has just posted a zip for your 100d camera. You can get STICK to install it if you do the following:
1. download the zip (but don't unzip it)
2. copy it to the STICK directory and rename it ""
3. run STICK and drop a photo take with your camera

STICK should analyse the photo and then tell you that it's found a matching zip already downloaded. You can then get it to install it on a card.

Thank you so much!
Now the camera show me the chdk message correctly!
But there is still a problem: now I can see the battery level, the temperature... But not the menu!
How can I open it?
I touched the menu and the display button, but nothing...  ???

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #11 on: 30 / July / 2014, 21:09:54 »
Ok SOLVED! :lol
Thank you!!

And thank you everybody!
My holidays timelapses are safe!
I haven't words to say thank you. It was very important for me.
In a few hours you have solved my problems. This forum is magnificent!

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #12 on: 27 / November / 2014, 02:32:19 »
Ok SOLVED! :lol
Thank you!!

And thank you everybody!
My holidays timelapses are safe!
I haven't words to say thank you. It was very important for me.
In a few hours you have solved my problems. This forum is magnificent!

First, hello everyone, I am new here. Have been using CHDK on my ageing Ixus 100 IS for about a year and love the possibilities. Oh, I live in Africa :)

giosaccotelli, how did you solve the menu "problem"?

I am looking at buying the Ixus 240 (Elph 320) because the price is just fantastic right now. Also, since I want to use it for scanning, I could use the extra 4 MP. I also believe the lens is much sharper than the Ixus 100 and the 240 will produce less noise. So I want a cleaner, more detailed result.

A hardware-related question:
Does anyone, if not you giosaccotelli, know whether you can switch off the display while taking photos (yes I realise it has no viewfinder, but with a rig its position will not change relative to the object being photographed).

giosaccotelli, could you please upload a Ixus 240 original photo to me? I want to test the Stick instructions in this post. May be done to - thanks.

Thank you giosaccotelli and all posters answering, appreciated.

BTW, almost weekend.


Offline zeno

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Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #13 on: 27 / November / 2014, 04:19:53 »
You can download sample Ixus 240 images that will work with STICK from this page
A570, S100, Ixus 127

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #14 on: 27 / November / 2014, 06:02:37 »
You can download sample Ixus 240 images that will work with STICK from this page

Thank you zeno.

Do you know whether the Ixus 125 is exactly the same camera than the Ixus 240 (except for the controls). Their specs certainly make is seem like they are.



Does anyone know of an Ixus/Elph with a 16MP or higher CMOS sensor for about the same price? The Ixus 265 seems to lack of what makes the 240 great for me (f2.7 and smaller vs f3.6 and larger). I have the same feeling about the SX600.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Thanks again.

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #15 on: 27 / November / 2014, 08:06:57 »
Do you know whether the Ixus 125 is exactly the same camera than the Ixus 240 (except for the controls). Their specs certainly make is seem like they are.
You might find this of interest :   Regardless,  they will almost certainly each require a unique CHDK port.
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Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #16 on: 27 / November / 2014, 10:13:22 »
Do you know whether the Ixus 125 is exactly the same camera than the Ixus 240 (except for the controls). Their specs certainly make is seem like they are.
You might find this of interest :   Regardless,  they will almost certainly each require a unique CHDK port.

I am glad I read that before buying a 125. Will then rather be getting the 240. I wonder if one can (and I am no programmer) create a CHDK script to turn off the 240's display while taking repetetive shots. I mean, it would hardly serve a purpose and, as it has no viewfinder and has a touch interface I doubt you would be able to switch it off, it would then perhaps get more than 170 shots per charge.

A battery question, if it is suitable to ask that in this post: has anyone used the generic brand called UpStart, their eBay store is at - would you recommend I use it with a Canon? Their prices seems somewhere between dirt-cheap knockoff and Hannel generic. Thank you all.

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #17 on: 27 / November / 2014, 12:03:37 »
I wonder if one can (and I am no programmer) create a CHDK script to turn off the 240's display while taking repetetive shots. I mean, it would hardly serve a purpose and, as it has no viewfinder and has a touch interface I doubt you would be able to switch it off, it would then perhaps get more than 170 shots per charge.
Most of the better intervalometer scripts have the capability of turning off the backlight and/or the whole LCD display.  It takes a single function call to do so in the code.   Some typical results found by testing various configurations can be found here : Battery Intervalometer

A battery question, if it is suitable to ask that in this post: has anyone used the generic brand called UpStart, their eBay store is at - would you recommend I use it with a Canon? Their prices seems somewhere between dirt-cheap knockoff and Hannel generic. Thank you all.
There are many sources of inexpensive batteries for Canon Powershot cameras - typically costing less than 1/4 the price of a  genuine Canon part. I have used several different "brands" (although they may all come from the same Chinese factory) and they seem to have almost the same capacity as the Canon battery.  However, they are cutting corners somewhere so keep a close eye on them when you are charging them as that is when they are most likely to catch on fire.
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Offline ahull

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Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #18 on: 27 / November / 2014, 17:46:56 »
A battery question, if it is suitable to ask that in this post: has anyone used the generic brand called UpStart, their eBay store is at - would you recommend I use it with a Canon? Their prices seems somewhere between dirt-cheap knockoff and Hannel generic. Thank you all.
There are many sources of inexpensive batteries for Canon Powershot cameras - typically costing less than 1/4 the price of a  genuine Canon part. I have used several different "brands" (although they may all come from the same Chinese factory) and they seem to have almost the same capacity as the Canon battery.  However, they are cutting corners somewhere so keep a close eye on them when you are charging them as that is when they are most likely to catch on fire.

One of the corners they cut is to replace the temperature sensor (an NTC or negative temperature co-efficient thermistor with (so far as I recall) a nominal value of 10K Ohms at 20 Deg C) with a fixed value resistor.

This is a safety feature which Canon chargers use to detect thermal runaway. Given that an NTC thermistor costs a few cents, but  a 10K fixed value resistor costs a fraction of a cent, it makes sense to substitute one with the other  when lowering cost is an overriding factor in manufacture.

This does however make the cheaper batteries less safe. Having said that, I still use them, but I do charge them up with the charger placed in my fire hearth, so in the unlikely event they go pop, the fire will be contained.

If you want to see what I am talking about, and how the cheap clone batteries are constructed,  take a look through this thread.

An interesting point is that if you are using a non Canon battery charger, i.e. a cheap unbranded generic charger, the chances are that it doesn't include the circuitry to monitor the temperature sensor anyway, so in theory even the Canon batteries are less safe when charged with one of these chargers. I'm afraid, like everything else, "you pays yer money, you makes yer choice", if you want quality, it comes at a premium. I'm happy to use the clones, but that is because my assessment of the risk is that it is pretty low. You can remind me of my folly should I be proved wrong.  :P
« Last Edit: 27 / November / 2014, 17:49:42 by ahull »

Re: Help: How to install CHDK in IXUS 240 HS
« Reply #19 on: 27 / November / 2014, 18:13:28 »
One other side effect (other than a fire risk) is that when LiPo battery packs fail,  the also tend to "bulge out" and expand.  Broke the cover of an expensive Logitech remote when that happened.  Have also seen posts on DPReview from people where the expanded battery is firmly jammed into their camera's battery slot.

edit :typo
« Last Edit: 27 / November / 2014, 18:28:26 by waterwingz »
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