Hi All,
I have installed CHDK on my IXUS 230HS using STICK, with a view to using PTPCAM for remote capture. My problem is, PTPCAM functions don't work (except 'Camera Off'). If I switch to photo mode and click the red camera button, nothing happens, and I get this in the console indefinitely:
>> luar get_mode() << script:33
33:ret:false (Length: 23)
>> luar get_mode() << script:34
34:ret:false (Length: 23)
>> luar get_mode() << script:35
I do get "cannont open modelist.lua" error message on my camera and in PTPCAM when switching on the camera / opening the program, and I'm wondering if this is causing my issue?:
** init() start ...
>> version << ptpcam: 2.0
camera: 2.5 (Length: 24)
>> script-support << script-support:0x1 lua=yes (Length: 26)
>> luar not(os.stat("A/CHDK/LUALIB/lptpgui.lua")==nil) << script:1
1:ret:true (Length: 20)
>> luar require("lptpgui").version << script:2
2:ret:137 (89) (Length: 24)
>> luar get_buildinfo() << script:3
3:ret:'platform ixus230_elph310hs
build_date Jan 13 2014
build_number 1.2.0
build_time 22:32:49
version CHDK
platsub 100b
build_revision 3313
platformid 12855
os dryos
' (Length: 188)
>> luar get_config_value(67) << script:4
4:ret:1 (1) (Length: 21)
>> luar require("lptpgui").getcammode() << script:5
5:runtime error: error loading module 'GEN/modelist' from file 'A/CHDK/LUALIB/GEN/modelist.lua':
cannot fopen A/CHDK/LUALIB/GEN/modelist.lua (Length: 152)
>> luar get_raw() << script:6
6:ret:0 (0) (Length: 21)
>> luar get_video_button() << script:7
7:ret:1 (1) (Length: 21)
* enable keys for GUI control: >> lua post_levent_to_ui(4484) << script:8 (Length: 8)
>> script-status << script-status:0x0 run=no msg=no (Length: 31)
** init() successful
>> luar require("lptpgui").getcaminfo() << script:9
9:ret:'3592|4057|3280|2002112' (Length: 40)
The file doesn't exist on my SD card, and I'm not sure whether I should be obtaining it from somewhere?
Any help you can provide would be appreciated.