Any hack for slow camera zoom in video rec mode? - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Any hack for slow camera zoom in video rec mode?

  • 1 Replies
Any hack for slow camera zoom in video rec mode?
« on: 25 / January / 2014, 07:43:42 »
The zoom while recording is really slow on my camera. Is there any hack for it? I can't stand this slow zoom.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Any hack for slow camera zoom in video rec mode?
« Reply #1 on: 25 / January / 2014, 08:56:07 »
The zoom while recording is really slow on my camera. Is there any hack for it? I can't stand this slow zoom.
You forgot to tell one thing: which camera model?

Anyway, try the following Lua script (it has no effect on the camera I tried it on, but it doesn't have multiple zoom speeds anyway).

Code: [Select]
@title Change zoom speed
@param s zoom speed
@default s 1

r = call_event_proc("SS.Create")

if (r > -1) then
    r = call_event_proc("SS.ChangeZoomSpeed",s)
    if (r < 0) then
        r = call_event_proc("PT_ChangeZoomSpeed",s)

if (r < 0) then
    print("incompatible camera")

Some notes:
- You need to enable "Lua native calls" in the Miscellaneous menu
- Choose low values for the "speed" parameter, my cam crashes when speed is more than 3
- Set "Save params" to off in the script menu, otherwise the cam can lock up if you change the speed parameter while recording
- Load the script before you start recording

There is no guarantee that it will have any effect (other than crashing the camera).


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