For the record:Number of images on the card could be relevant (as CHDK experts have suggested in this and other discussions) but I cannot identify any particular numbers of images having an on influence the risk of reboot failure in my 'real world' use of ultimate intervalometer.
I think this experiment indicates that memory use by a 'big' script is probably a factor in my intermittent reboot failures - as waterwingz suggested above.
Another reboot failure occurred. Attached is the romlog.reyalp, does this romlog contain the crucial info needed for you discover why reboot is failing....?
Does this romlog perhaps have more useful clues than the last one?
set_autostart(2) -- autostart once
-- set_autostart(2) -- autostart once
...00000650: SS:_mkdir:A/CHDK/EDGE00000660: SS:_Open(A/CHDK/DATA/RBTEST.cfg,0x301,0x1ff)00000660: SS:_Open:400000680: SS:_Close:4....
...00000660: SS:_mkdir:A/CHDK/EDGE00000670: SS:_Open(A/CHDK/CCHDK4.CFG,0x301,0x1ff)00000670: SS:_Open:400000690: SS:_Close:400000740: SS:_Open(A/CHDK/DATA/RBTEST.cfg,0x301,0x1ff)
I've started another run with ultimate script, autostart line commented out, will let you know if it crashes. I'm still running 3338. I think build 3354 was for debugging that you've already done. Sorry if I misunderstood. Please tell me if I should run with 3354.
After I download from card to laptop, and before starting a new run, I always delete the old ultimate log on the card. After the new run, ultimate.log has new text (matching new run) but file creation date-time matches the start of a prior run, although I'd expect the log file to be newly created when the script starts. Would it be normal for anything to do with prior log file to be saved in camera memory? Camera was off between runs, card removed and returned, CHDK autoboot from partition on card.
This is getting interesting. It appears the assert is not due to having too many open files, it's happening because the handle just opened is already in the FsIoNotify list.In the attached patch, I made my own copy of the firmware Open function and the FsIoNotify function where the assert happens, modified to return an error code indicting how it would have reached the assert.Making open fail allows the camera to boot, and the subsequent call to save_params_values succeeds.I don't really understand how this can happen
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