Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10) - page 5 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)

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Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #40 on: 08 / February / 2014, 23:42:18 »
If you can reproduce it with the build I posted earlier, I will be able to see exactly which file open caused the trouble, which might provide ideas to avoid this specific occurrence.

Hi reyalp,
Were able to see the cause of the crash in my romlog?
Just to confirm, the second romlog I posted (Jan 28) was running with the new build.

For sure you are busy and I don't want to hassle you. Very grateful for help and still hoping there might be some way to prevent these crash/reboot failures!


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #41 on: 09 / February / 2014, 01:18:25 »
Hi reyalp,
Were able to see the cause of the crash in my romlog?
Just to confirm, the second romlog I posted (Jan 28) was running with the new build.
Oh, I must have missed it with all the other posts, sorry about that :(

Looking at the romlog, I think it's still running the same build as the romlog you posted earlier (dated  2014:01:12 01:01:31).  The date shows that is a new crash, but the addresses in the stack trace are identical. This is very unlikely to happen with two different builds and the one probable CHDK address I see in there (0x001491FD) doesn't make sense if it's from my build.

Do you have the chdk splash screen enabled under chdk settings? Loading the splash screen image could contribute to this problem. Philmoz fixed that in the trunk, but if you want to continue testing with my build, you can just turn it off.
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Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #42 on: 09 / February / 2014, 01:31:55 »
Thank you reyalp. Very sorry if I somehow got the builds mixed up. I will check build and splash screen before I try again next week. 


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #43 on: 09 / February / 2014, 01:53:22 »
Thank you reyalp. Very sorry if I somehow got the builds mixed up. I will check build and splash screen before I try again next week.
Another possibly useful data point would be how many images are on the card after the crash.

I made a simple test script to reboot repeatedly with autostart (attached) to see if I can reproduce this on my d10. No crashes yet.

I ran this for ~400 reboots with varying numbers of images on the card and didn't see any crashes.
« Last Edit: 09 / February / 2014, 03:11:04 by reyalp »
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline JvdP

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #44 on: 09 / February / 2014, 16:10:51 »
May I point out that I'm having similar problems? It's with rebooting in general. I would be very interested in getting this fixed. So far, I've just avoided the reboot functionality. My crashlog is differently though, it is not

Code: [Select]
ASSERT!! FsIoNotify.c Line 451

Code: [Select]
ASSERT!! StartupEeko.c Line 84
The whole log can be found in the 240 porting thread.


Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #45 on: 13 / February / 2014, 06:46:29 »
Thank you reyalp. Very sorry if I somehow got the builds mixed up. I will check build and splash screen before I try again next week.
Another possibly useful data point would be how many images are on the card after the crash.

I made a simple test script to reboot repeatedly with autostart (attached) to see if I can reproduce this on my d10. No crashes yet.

I ran this for ~400 reboots with varying numbers of images on the card and didn't see any crashes.

Reyalp thank you for your test script, which I ran 100s of times and like you, I did not get a crash. (Splash screen on).

However, I've had further intermittent crashes at the reboot point within ultimate intervalometer script. (That is the only crash point I've ever encountered).

Is the way reboot happens within ult int somehow different?

Romlog looks the same for each crash and assert time always just after ult int reboot begins.

I rechecked that I had indeed used CHDK files from your build last time, when you found my romlog was not from build 3338.

Then I re-extracted the zip archive from your post and tried again (delete CHDK on my card, copy zip contents to the card). But  the CHDK that runs is not build 3338. Splash screen after last attempt said build 3276. Not sure about previous attempts, hard to read splash screen quick enough.  Is there a file in CHDK folder where I can read build number? Anything else I can check to find out why I am not getting the right build running?
Later I found my newbie mistake - duhhh! I'd been placing new build files all in the FAT32 partition. Now realise I should put only CHDK folder there, and should put DISKBOOT etc in the other partition. After doing the latter I have build 3338 running... yaaay! Boot problem remains unresolved but at least I can continue testing with the right build...
« Last Edit: 13 / February / 2014, 18:40:34 by jules »

Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #46 on: 13 / February / 2014, 08:46:29 »
Is there a file in CHDK folder where I can read build number?

Incidentally,  ultimate.lua is a fairly big script as CHDK scripts go.  So memory use will be quite a bit different than with reyalp's test script.   You could try cutting and pasting the entire script below the reboot() in reyalp's script as a way to test if that's an issue.
« Last Edit: 13 / February / 2014, 08:50:03 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #47 on: 13 / February / 2014, 19:03:19 »
Thank you waterwingz for your help. I will try cut and paste as you suggested. However I think for me the most important is to continue testing with ultimate.lua because it's so well-suited to my purpose. I "just" need to resolve intermittent reboot failure. Now that I'm running reyalp's build (see edit in my post above) the next romlog might contain clues that reyalp can interpret... I hope!


Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #48 on: 19 / February / 2014, 20:47:59 »
For the record:
Number of images on the card could be relevant (as CHDK experts have suggested in this and other discussions) but I cannot identify any particular numbers of images having an on influence the risk of reboot failure in my 'real world' use of ultimate intervalometer. 
I checked my records of prior reboot failures within ultimate intervalometer script - quite diverse. I did not find any pattern in the number of images on the card at time of reboot fail.
In all cases there was abundant free space available on the card.
When running the simple reboot test script, I used cards with different numbers of images, each card matching the condition (number of images) when a prior reboot failure occurred (within ult int).
I had NO reboot failures with the simple reboot test script over many hundreds of runs.

What it means?
I think this experiment indicates that memory use by a 'big' script is probably a factor in my intermittent reboot failures - as waterwingz suggested above.


Offline jules

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Re: Ultimate Intervalometer - intermittent reboot faiure (powershot D10)
« Reply #49 on: 19 / February / 2014, 21:04:21 »
Using CHDK build that reyalp posted, I continued to run ultimate intervalometer set for 1-day reboot.

Many successful reboots... I began to think this build is the magic cure...  but not so :(

Another reboot failure occurred. Attached is the romlog.

reyalp, does this romlog contain the crucial info needed for you discover why reboot is failing....?


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