I'm using Matlab for an image acquisition oriented development and I control my A2500 Canon with PTPcam CHDK.
I manage to send instruction to CHDK via PTPcam by using DOS command in Matlab (ex: status=dos(sprintf('%s & ptpcam --chdk="reset" & exit"',ptp_Path) )
But I face a problem when trying to get parameters from the camera (ISO values, Tv, Av Ev,...). I don't know how to get the value transferred from PTP CHDK to the DOS shell, to get it and process it in Matlab.
You can see that this way of working is not very convenient and can even be blocking.
Is there a way to use dll (for instance ptpcam dll) in Matlab to control more easily the camera, and get the parameters value?
Does any one have an idea on how to do that?