Here's the dump from my G9, it's firmware version 1.00G. I used udumper so it's a partial, 4GB, dump. I tried editing the wiki page but it doesn't recognise my userid there nor will it allow me to create one; the captcha system seems broken. I'll try and modify udumper soon to obtain a complete dump.
zSHARE - g9-1.00g.bin
Welcome on board G9 porting....
You need to create a login for Wikia! It's different then this forum. Should use the same login name.
I added your fimware to G9 wikia page.
Edit 1: But as I know you can edit the wikia page as a "guest". (in the log there will be no user ID only IP address)
Edit 2: Canon modify the firmware so many... interesting... within 9 mounth 3 release..