Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ? - page 3 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?

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Offline jeff666

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Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #20 on: 29 / December / 2007, 16:17:08 »
I have also found PWR, ISO and BLUE LED exact addresses. Still missing 2 LEDs.

If you have the AF-Led you should go on dumping and don't care about the other LEDs. Their addresses will be found out afterwards by analyzing the dump.

Has anybody successfully dumped the G9 firmware yet? Or started already?

If someone has a dump then he's a real bastard for not telling anyone :D

So, go on. Make your dump. Good luck with it.



Offline digit

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Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #21 on: 30 / December / 2007, 23:08:54 »
Hi Titan_G9

I can confirm that the G7_blink files also work on the G9,  the green auto focus led address are the same.  Before xmas I have successfully made my SD card bootable, copied the G7_blink bootdisk.bin file on it, locked up the SD card, and pressed power on my G9,  The green AF LED turns on, and after about 50sec it starts to blink.

I bough a IR phototransister, hooked it up to my mic on my pc, and was able to get some data fromthe blinking led, however this is as far as I got (then came the holidays).  The instructions indicated to put the recording settings to 8BITs, and I couldn't do it because my sounds card only supports 16bits. So when I tried to parse/convert the raw recorded file with the exe provided I got a a bunch of errors.

Im also trying to hook up the phototransister to the to my rs232 port, but I am unsure what type of power supply i need and where to hook it up to.

hello G9 funs

I've created a new page for G9 development on wikia site (check this: also can be found in the section "For Developers" and "Camera IDs"

I have also found PWR, ISO and BLUE LED exact addresses. Still missing 2 LEDs.

First I scaned the address range to find the LEDS  between 0xC0220060 and 0xC02200FF then focused to a small segment to find each one.

I used the HDHacker.exe utility to make the SD card bootable.
(owerwriten the segment starting at 0x00000040 with "hiew.exe" Hex editor "DISKBOOT" done the work)
After it I used the UploadFirmware utility to place the BOOTDISK.BIN

Has anybody successfully dumped the G9 firmware yet? Or started already?

Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #22 on: 31 / December / 2007, 05:46:12 »
hi digit

Did you tried this solution for RS232 to receive the blinking firmware?

It seems to be so simple as you can see. It's power from the RTS and DTR signals the photodiode works as a switch.
It does not need any further external power at all!

The RxD pin receive +12V or -12V as the diode switched on or off by a lightbeem. So binary "0" and "1" goes to the RxD pin of the RS232. After it the software (I mean "load.exe") do the rest.

On 3rd of January the shop where I can by the BPW96C (phototransistor) will be opened and I can start to dump the firmware at that night.
So I'm with you! Good luck for dumping the firmware.


Offline cderory

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Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #23 on: 31 / December / 2007, 09:45:27 »

Can anyone put a link to the file :
G7_blink bootdisk.bin
and the way to make the SD card bootable.

May be it will be good to have these informations on
(I have just replace "No error" with "NoError" on this page)

I have an LED receiver on RS232, and I will try to dump.

Thanks in advance.

Cyrille DERORY


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Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #24 on: 31 / December / 2007, 14:43:25 »
Titan_G9, yes this is what I have tried, but can't get the phototransister to detect any signal.  I think it may be the phototransistor that I am using, I don't have the same one used by most people. Also some people in this thread are saying I might of needed a power supply hooked up.

I think I might be having pc issues, I will try it again this week when I get a chance.

cderory the G7 files are located here:

This is from the wiki "" which explains how this works.  I don't have the SD boot insturction handy,  I'll try to locate them and send you the link.

Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #25 on: 31 / December / 2007, 15:35:01 »
hello cderory!

How to make SD card bootable: step by step (that worked for me)

0. formating the card to FAT16 with desktop computer via USB card reader. Create DCIM and MISC folder.
  or format with Camera device.
1. Make the SD card partition ACTIVE If it not active yet! In Win XP : Use computer management/disk management/
   choose SD card, right click mark as "Active" partition.
2. download HDHacker utility to go further
3. after install, run the HDHacker.
4. select proper drive letter responding to your SD card in card reader,
   select "logical drive" and "first sector" (as I know it's default)
5. "Read sector from disk"
6. Save this sector to a file  for safty (512bytes) (I named it : BootSector_G9.bin)
7. use a hexeditor (I used hview.exe) to edit this file
8. at address 0x40 (decimal=64) overwrite it with the folloing characters DISKBOOT
9. save it as a different file name ( I named it : BootSector_G9_bootable.bin)
10. use HDHacker util to "load sector from file" this new file containing DISKBOOT information in the sector
11. "write sector on disk"  Don't forget to select correct drive letter!!! (for SD card)

Now you have a Bootable SD card.
It means the partition is Active to boot and in the bootsector there is the name DISKBOOT.
This refer to DISKBOOT.BIN file what you put to your card.

Now you have to put the file DISKBOOT.BIN to the SD card.  I used G9 via USB cable and FirmwareUpdate.exe

I used the Canon's FirmwareUpdate util to transfer the file. I don't know is it enought to simple copy the file using a USB card reader, but I always do this with the FirmwareUpdater.exe util.

Power OFF the G9.
Disconnect from PC.
Put out the SD card.
SET THE SD CARD LOCK!!!!! (It's very important!!!) now it's read only
Put back the SD card.

Turn on the G9. After a few seconds the AF led turns ON (for human eyes only) but really it's blinking! very fast (9k6)

You have to remove battery to stop blinking.
To use your SD card simple clear the SD LOCK set back to read/write enabled.
Or delete the file DISKBOOT.BIN on the SD card.

I hope this helped to you.
 You can find the FirmwareUpdate util somwere in the forum or in the wikia/CHDK  .... just look for it....

Sorry for the repeting words and my poor English :-)

« Last Edit: 31 / December / 2007, 15:53:53 by Titan_G9 »

Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #26 on: 31 / December / 2007, 15:49:56 »
Titan_G9, yes this is what I have tried, but can't get the phototransister to detect any signal.  I think it may be the phototransistor that I am using, I don't have the same one used by most people. Also some people in this thread are saying I might of needed a power supply hooked up.

I think I might be having pc issues, I will try it again this week when I get a chance.

cderory the G7 files are located here:

This is from the wiki "" which explains how this works.  I don't have the SD boot insturction handy,  I'll try to locate them and send you the link.


I just can't wait till Thursday to buy a photodiode or transistor so I looked up one. It's a BPX43 phototransistor.
It has the nearly same characteristic as BPW96. Same sensitivity on the spectrum.

I have started to dump the firmware, load.exe says  "Received 1....2048kbytes"

BUT if I check the file what I dumped at the begining and end I can't find the filling characters 0x55,
word "begin" and "end" what have to be cutted out.
It receives somethings but not the correct firmware.

It could be an error of what? Sensitivity problem of the phototransistor? Serial data speed problem? Or else?

I tried to dump it again using the Yellow ISO LED but it went even more worth . Using that yellow LED the load.exe util received NOTHING (just 1 byte) It seems to be that LED is very weak.

Have you got the same issue with the dumped file? or different? ohh sorry you can't receive any signal..  :-(

« Last Edit: 31 / December / 2007, 15:55:46 by Titan_G9 »


Offline GrAnd

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Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #27 on: 01 / January / 2008, 05:06:05 »
1. Make the SD card partition ACTIVE If it not active yet! In Win XP : Use computer management/disk management/
   choose SD card, right click mark as "Active" partition.
It is absolutely not needed making the partition as active unless you want to boot from it on your PC. ;)

Now you have to put the file DISKBOOT.BIN to the SD card.  I used G9 via USB cable and FirmwareUpdate.exe

I used the Canon's FirmwareUpdate util to transfer the file. I don't know is it enough to simple copy the file using a USB card reader, but I always do this with the FirmwareUpdater.exe util.
If you have a card reader, you can erase FirmwareUpdater.exe from your HDD. :) This utility is for users who does not have any card readers.
Just the copying is enough. It doesn't matter what was used for copying.
CHDK Developer.

Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #28 on: 01 / January / 2008, 06:51:22 »
Thanks GrAnd!

I was thinking like a "PC not a Canon device with SD card".  :D

Can anybody help about the following:

As I mentioned before I was able to receive signal form G9 using AF beam. File dumped! But with errors.
I can recognize in the begeining the filling characters what should be 0x55 and "begin" but it's something different.
I can clearly separate else then 0x55 and else then "begin".  Is it a rs232 timing problem?

May I have to change in the "main.c" file the DEL constant to else then 1260?? Is it correct for 9600bps speed?
How can I calculate this "DEL" constant for different speed? ( I know it could be very easy for a programmer, but not me)

I only need the algorytm for it if the problem is the timing.

In a different main.c (for sd300) I found this:

  #define DEL 112
  // 1.5432E-07 sec per unit      <=- where it come from?
  // E.g. 675 = 9600 baud (bps)  <=- it's calcuated like this: 9600=1/(1.5432E-07*675)

I tried to capture the firmware with realterm also, but the same issue...
Using realterm the CPS value about 800 (770-840) it's seems to be OK. The file is corrupted again.

I just can't figure out what is the problem.  Any suggestion?

Here is what I dumped :

« Last Edit: 01 / January / 2008, 06:55:21 by Titan_G9 »

Re: Any developers interested in working on CHDK firmware for the G9 ?
« Reply #29 on: 01 / January / 2008, 09:07:38 »

Can anyone put a link to the file :
G7_blink bootdisk.bin
and the way to make the SD card bootable.

May be it will be good to have these informations on
(I have just replace "No error" with "NoError" on this page)

I have an LED receiver on RS232, and I will try to dump.

Thanks in advance.

Cyrille DERORY updated.  vers.req works!  :)


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