Enterprising person WANTED to port CHDK to G9! Does anybody started to port CHDK for G9? (No reply since......)
I mean : load to IDA, analyze, modify the CHDK code for it. Test.
If you have the knowadge and affinity to do it but you don't own a G9 and you would like to help
please make a note here.
I offer to do the testing on my G9 to make the porting successfully and also to work together as much as possible.
Probably the A720IS/S5IS (DryOS) and G7(VxWorks) source code could be usefull for G9 porting.
ps: I already installed IDA Pro, loaded the dump, but
I have to recognize that using the signature file for DryOS (A720) and
the "CHDK.idc" (scripts) does do nothing for me.
Well, I'm not a genius in reversengineering and in ASM also.
[EDIT] I could successfully apply the A720 signature to disassemble the firmware of the G9.
I could also run the CHDK.idc sript. And it found a lot of known funktions.
This is my .idc file what I used/created.
http://www.zshare.net/download/661542501cf843/Screenshot :