3. Detect a particular user's face in an image
Interesting idea; but I think you will face some challenges trying to do this with a Canon P&S camera.Here are some of my initial thoughts.CHDK does not modify the camera firmware, it loads every time the camera is started from special files on the SD card.Unlocking the SD card, or formatting it in the camera will remove CHDK and all your security options will be gone.Your second goal, to embed data in the image, would be the easiest - CHDK has access to the raw captured data before the camera converts it to a JPEG. You could fairly easily modify the captured data to embed a watermark. Remember you are working with raw sensor data (in a Bayer format) not RGB pixels.For the other two you would probably need to work with the live view data shown in the LCD. This has much lower resolution than the sensor is capable of (720x240 for most cameras) and is in YUV format. Being able to detect a logo or particular person, at different angles, positions and lighting at such a low resolution could be a challenge. There is also not a lot of CPU power available. I don't know what the state of the art in recognition algorithms is like these days; but I imagine it still needs a fair bit of horsepower.Phil.
Quote from: Vegetothe1st on 10 / February / 2014, 14:04:503. Detect a particular user's face in an imageHow many faces in your library? Some cameras has built in function to recognize particular user's face, camera shows their names on LCD.
I'd just start with my own for now, it would be great if I had access to the functionality you mentioned or a way to code it into a camera that didn't have it. I'm not sure if it's a new feature that was included in the later processors because of an increase in processing power or just a new feature that happened to be developed at the time.
Started digging into this a bit after finally getting all the hardware, I'm having trouble starting however. I planned on doing the Stego portion first as it seems the simplest, but I'm having trouble understanding the order in which code is run. It seems that main.c loops forever in its core_spytask() function waiting for the raw_data_available variable to be set so it can process the data. This variable is set in /platform/generic/capt_seq.c, apparently when a capture is in the process of occurring; raw.c then processes and saves the data.However, this doesn't seem to reference writing JPEG images at all.
I believe that modifying the raw image in raw.c to embed time/date information should be straightforward enough, but this will likely be lost (I believe) when the image is transformed into a JPEG via the functionality in filewrite.c.
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