chdk manual focus crashes the sx160is - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

chdk manual focus crashes the sx160is

  • 6 Replies
chdk manual focus crashes the sx160is
« on: 02 / March / 2014, 22:24:44 »
Setting SX160IS to manual focus and using Override Subj. Di [0n] [50 or other] crashes the camera. Also, sometimes it won't allow you to change the subject distance.
Does this work fine on the SX150IS... SX130IS...?

« Last Edit: 03 / March / 2014, 13:11:37 by sequencer »

Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #1 on: 02 / March / 2014, 22:38:10 »
Setting SX160IS to manual focus and using Override Subj. Di [0n] [50 or other] crashes the camera. Also, sometimes it won't allow you to change the subject distance.  Does this work fine on the SX150IS... SX130IS...?
There has been a little bit of work on SD overrides recently.  The forum thread is here :

To help you with your specific issues .. how did you set your SX160 to "manual focus" ?  According to our testing you don't need to do anything special .. it should "just work".

And what does "sometimes it won't allow you to change the subject distance" mean?  The menu item won't let you change the SD override value?
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Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #2 on: 02 / March / 2014, 22:51:12 »
I set the camera to MF (pressing the MF button). Then I change
the SD values from the chdk menu. When I try to take a shot, the
camera crashes.

>And what does "sometimes it won't allow you to change the
>subject distance" mean?  The menu item won't let you change
>the SD override value?

That's correct. The menu item won't let me change the SD
override values sometimes. And when it does and I take a shot the camera crashes.
Any idea if this works fine on the SX150IS and alike?

Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #3 on: 02 / March / 2014, 23:40:31 »
I set the camera to MF (pressing the MF button). Then I change
the SD values from the chdk menu. When I try to take a shot, the
camera crashes.
If you are going to press the MF button,  you might as well set the focus distance from the Canon menu as well.

What happens if you do not press the MF button and just use the CHDK SD override?

Any idea if this works fine on the SX150IS and alike?
I have no idea.  But even if I did, it would not tell you anything about your sx160.  Every camera is different- even if the model numbers sound close.
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Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #4 on: 03 / March / 2014, 11:01:54 »
>If you are going to press the MF button,  you might as well set
>the focus distance from the Canon menu as well.

That's what I have been doing.
It should work from the chdk menu too, a bug?

>What happens if you do not press the MF button and just use
>the CHDK SD override?

It won't re-focus. It doesn't work. It looks like the camera needs to be in MF for the SD override.

>I have no idea.  But even if I did, it would not tell you anything
>about your sx160.  Every camera is different- even if the model
>numbers sound close.

I see. I was hoping that the same code could be used.

« Last Edit: 03 / March / 2014, 13:13:21 by sequencer »

Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #5 on: 03 / March / 2014, 13:00:39 »
That's what I have been doing. It should work from the chdk menu too, a bug?
Yes.   See the forum thread that I linked in my previous posting.

It won't re-focus. It doesn't work. It looks like the camera need to be in MF for the SD override.
Testing reveals that the camera will focus without being in MF mode.  However, the current CHDK configuration for the SX160 incorrectly prevents this from happening.

I see. I was hoping that the same code could be used.
It is the same code.  But the configuration changes from camera to camera.   

I can rebuild the existing code with corrected configuration data and send you a test version if you want to test it.   On completion of a successful test, the autobuild can be updated for the SX160.

Or if you can wait a bit,  there is new code coming for the 1.3.0 version of CHDK that will fix all of this.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: chdk manual focus crahes the sx160is
« Reply #6 on: 03 / March / 2014, 13:10:47 »
>I can rebuild the existing code with corrected configuration data and
>send you a test version if you want to test it.   On completion of a
>successful test, the autobuild can be updated for the SX160.

Sure, I'll be happy to test it.


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