help Helicon Remote (android) broke my camera 50D - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

help Helicon Remote (android) broke my camera 50D

  • 1 Replies
help Helicon Remote (android) broke my camera 50D
« on: 20 / February / 2014, 06:41:39 »
hey all first time poster and i know you guys mess with the canon hardware.
any help will be appreciated.

this is how my cam behaves now. (can't paste link for some reason)

i connected the camera with usb to my phone (SGS4) and used Helicon Remote.
took video and it worked fine for a year (taking out the now and then crashes of the software)
few days ago while the camera was buffering after i stopped the video, the program crashed and my cam got stuck. i waited for a minute or so and power cycle my camera.
and the result is the video above. i can't take pictures the camera get stuck from time to time and when i connect it back to the remote (android) i can't seem to take video more then a second.

i don't know how exactly but it seems the Remote triggered a flag in the buffer processor or something similar and it cannot be rested.   

things i tired-

- different CF
- taking the battery
- power cycling
- uploading the firmware again.
- trying to mess with the windows version of the remote (which just crashed when  connecting it to the computer)
-trying to mess with the android version so see if i can repair it.

no luck....

i'm sure it's not a hardware fault (meaning it's NOT mechanical but a problem with embedded software on the electronic chips)
i'm almost sure it's a problem with the software of the embedded chip.

this happened just after using the Helicon remote.
the camera work fantastically for years.

anyway.. any help will me much appreciated :(

is there any good Debugging tools around ?


Re: help Helicon Remote (android) broke my camera 50D
« Reply #1 on: 20 / February / 2014, 09:11:34 »
I would post to the magic lantern forum, there is way more activity there.


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