I want to use my micro controller (Atmega32 or similar) to remote control cams that use CHDK.
Does anybody know if there any similar projects to use a micro controller to trigger some actions on a CHDK based camera? I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
So the basic idea is to let the microcontroller create a pulse pattern for 8Bit transmission.
This could be high / low patterns or patterns with different pulse widths. (What is better?)
Then CHDK should translate this pulse pattern back into a complete byte. With one byte one can drive 256 different operations of the camera.
This is the basic rough idea, any support is highly appreciated.
What I want to do is to have a possibility to drive the camera completely by the micro controller.
I don't know if there are some limitations regarding what is possible.
1. Can I push any button by software on the camera using CHDK?
2. Can I change zoom, focus, shutter time, aperture, white balance, etc.?
3. Can I detect when a camera has finished focusing (when the small square turns to green)?
4. Can I move through the cameras menu? Play menu, Rec menu, Settings menu and change settings?
5. Can I read battery status?
6. For my special case I need to know if there is any possibility to disable the flash. I need to set the power of the flash to zero, or even better disable the flash so that it does not move out of the camera at all. Can I overwrite flash settings that was done in the cameras' menu? So if user switches the flash on, I need it to be off.
I heard about a trick in the past where the function 'bright screen' was used to turn off the flash?
7. What is not possible by CHDK, so I means things which must be done on the camera directly?
Thanks for any help.