I just discovered CHDK 2 days ago and I'm seeing conflicting and sometimes unreliable information.
I am interested in connecting a canon point & shoot camera to a ODroid, or UDOO or Radxa Rock single board computer. The selected single board computer will run
linux on a ARM architecture. I read beaglebone (a ARM linux platform) has CHDK support.
Is there any support for linux ARM boards in general or for the 3 specific boards I mentioned ? Where can i find the drivers for the ARM linux pc? CHDKPTP "
streams video from the camera screen via usb, to a PC".
Is this video HD (my hypothetical camera shoots at 1080p, 30fps)? What quality is streamed? I want HD video streamed to my linux ARM pc for image processing.
From a linux pc, under an ARM architecture : What are some other options for a) streaming video to a pc from a camera and b) controlling a camera from a pc (i.e. a backup plan, if CHDK doesn't work) ?
Thanks kindly,
Sorry for the newbie questions,
Hopefully the answers help, not just me, but other beginners.