Problem with chdkptp (newbie) - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Problem with chdkptp (newbie)

  • 2 Replies

Offline jules

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Problem with chdkptp (newbie)
« on: 10 / March / 2014, 01:23:46 »
Newbie needs help please, unable to run basic commands in chdkptp. (understand advanced features are still under development) 

On Windows 7, installed usb driver, ptpCamgui can download images. I have disabled WIA, did not find any Canon service. I've rebooted the PC and restarted the camera several times, no improvement.

To my simplistic understanding, chdkptp can detect my camera correctly, but cannot do more than that. This is copied from the console of chdkptp:

> list
-1:Canon PowerShot D10 b=bus-0 d=\\.\libusb0-0001--0x04a9-0x31bc v=0x4a9 p=0x31bc s=9A0D053DD47D49758EEDA6B51AD457F4
> ls
ERROR: C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:118: attempt to index field 'apiver' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:118: in function 'is_ver_compatible'
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:627: in function <C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:609>
   (tail call): ?
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:144: in function 'listdir'
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\cli.lua:1237: in function <C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\cli.lua:1227>
   (tail call): ?
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: in function 'xpcall'
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\cli.lua:239: in function 'execute'
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\gui.lua:608: in function <C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\gui.lua:605>
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: in function 'MainLoop'
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\gui.lua:630: in function <C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\gui.lua:616>
   (tail call): ?
   C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\main.lua:231: in main chunk
   [C]: in function 'require'
   [string "require('main')"]:1: in main chunk

Does this text provide any clues? I will be very grateful for newbie-level info on how to resolve this please.
Many thanks in advance!


Online reyalp

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Re: Problem with chdkptp (newbie)
« Reply #1 on: 10 / March / 2014, 02:20:49 »
> ls
ERROR: C:\jdocs\chdk_hp1\chdkptp-r468-win32\lua\chdku.lua:118: attempt to index field 'apiver' (a nil value)
You need to connect to the camera before you can use ls. Use the c command.

The most recent version of chdkptp (r492, released today) gives you a more helpful and less verbose error message.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


Offline jules

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Re: Problem with chdkptp (newbie)
« Reply #2 on: 10 / March / 2014, 17:28:57 »
Thank you for the new version. Connect works fine now :)


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