Sorry to revive an oldish thread, but I'm working with Vegetothe1st on this project. Right now, I'm focusing on disabling image capture when a picture is taken. So far, by hooking into the file hooks and using filewrite_set_discard_jpeg(), I've been able to disable images being saved to the SD card. Unfortunately, the camera thinks the image is saved, and going to the playback mode creates "unidentified" images that don't really exist on the memory card, but take up slots in the image review (until the camera is restarted). I tried decrementing the file_counter_var, but decrementing it directly did not have any obvious effects? Do any of you have any suggestions? It's a cosmetic thing, so if you don't have any suggestions, no worries, but I am hoping to take care of this. A forum search did not turn up a whole lot.