A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer

  • 38 Replies
A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« on: 18 / March / 2014, 10:11:18 »
Hi i am Newish here, been learning and experimenting with the brilliant  Ultimate intervalometer for a project.  Waterwingz has been of great help so far.

I have a new problem associated only with my A470 and as far as i can see only when using Ultimate intervalometer as other scripts seem to behave.

This particular camera (which does not have a viewfinder and no obvious display button), goes through the stages of starting Ultimate Intervalometer including setting a zoom level (stage 1,2,3), but when it reaches the stage where it just states that intervalometer started and the next shot is in ..... the camera simply turns off dead with lens still out as if power has been disconnected.

I have been through all the power settings on the camera and turned them off and also selecting no power saving mode in Ultimate all to no avail. External Psu the whole shooting match.

Beggining to suspect a hardware fault on the camera itself.

Have Read through all threads i can find including the entire Ultimate Intervalometer History but nothing seems to stand out to me.

shot interval [2min]
zoom pos [3]
start at dawn

end at dusk

start hour [9]
start min

end hour [17]
end min

day of week [all]
shoot when tv

days between resets

status led [1]
disp blank mode [mone]
latitude [520]
long [72]

logging [both]

Unfortunately does not record a log.

Anyone else had this type of problem

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #1 on: 18 / March / 2014, 10:33:57 »
I have a new problem associated only with my A470 and as far as i can see only when using Ultimate intervalometer as other scripts seem to behave.
To date,  the script has been downloaded 1339 times.  I think we can safely assume it's not something fundamentally wrong with the script.  But then you never know.

... goes through the stages of starting Ultimate Intervalometer including setting a zoom level (stage 1,2,3), but when it reaches the stage where it just states that intervalometer started and the next shot is in ..... the camera simply turns off dead with lens still out as if power has been disconnected.
Sounds like the script & CHDK are doing something that makes your camera crash.   Can I assume from your description that is draws the colored box on the screen that contains all the script status information and then crashes ?

At this point,  a ROMLOG would help.  Restart the camera,  enter CHDK <ALT> mode, go to the menus,  navigate to the Miscellaneous menu and then the Debug Parameters menu, and then select Save Rom crash log.  This will create a file called ROMLOG.LOG in the root (top) directory of your SD card.  Please post that file here ?
« Last Edit: 18 / March / 2014, 10:36:45 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #2 on: 18 / March / 2014, 10:51:41 »
Thankyou once again Waterwingz.

I created the log as you explained and here it is.

ASSERT!! LEDDrv.c Line 215
Occured Time  2014:03:18 14:03:04
Task ID: 9175060
Task name: LEDCon
SP: 0x002826D8
01 02 07 00 00 0a 0c 0b 00 00
07 01 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
00008830: LogicalEvent:0x3120:adr:0,Para:0

00008840: _ExitSequence

00008840: Sht_CancelStrobeChargeTimer

00008840: DSIC:4b,0

00008840: _ExitActionReview

00008840: SSAPI::CancelPrepare

00009100: SS:StrobeChargeComplete

00009110: DispSwCon_TurnOnDisplayDevice

00009110: DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen

00009110: MuteOffPhysicalScreen

00009110: ShootState:0x0

00009110: ShtCon_Deactivate

00009110: DSIC:14,0

00009110: DSIC:60,0

00009110: DispSwCon_TurnOnDisplayDevice

00009110: Window:EffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00009130: SSAPI::   UsingRaw[0]

00009160: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00009170: DispSw: Unlock

00009170: TerminateDeliverToZoomController



00009170: UnpressZoomLever

00009170: _EntryIdleShoot

00009170: ShootState:0x0

00009170: SSAPI::   UsingRaw[0]

00012570: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00013520: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00018050: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00020400: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00020520: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00025790: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00027560: PressSwOne

00027560: SSAPI::PrepareBuffer

00027560: _CaptureStanbyForReview

00027560: SSAPI::   UsingRaw[0]

00027560: ShootState:0x1

00027560: ShtCon_Activate

00027560: DispSw: Lock

00027560: ShtCon_PrepareCapture

00027560: DSIC:61,0

00027560: Window:EffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00027560: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00027570: LogicalEvent:0x3135:adr:0,Para:0

00027570: SSAPI::PrepareCapture

00027590: ShootState:0x2

00027590: ClearEventComp

00028150: ShootSeqToUI:0x2006:adr:0x1,Para:1

00028150: ShtCon_SetPreCapt

00028150: DSIC:62,0

00028150: Window:EffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00028210: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00028210: _ResetShootingMode

00028210: _EntryPrepareShoot

00028210: ShootState:0x7

00028240: UnpressSwOne

00028240: _ExitSequence

00028240: Sht_CancelStrobeChargeTimer

00028240: DSIC:4b,0

00028240: SSAPI::CancelPrepare

00028440: SS:StrobeChargeComplete

00028450: DispSwCon_TurnOnDisplayDevice

00028450: DispSwCon_MuteOffPhysicalScreen

00028450: MuteOffPhysicalScreen

00028450: ShootState:0x0

00028450: ShtCon_Deactivate

00028450: DSIC:14,0

00028450: DSIC:60,0

00028450: DispSwCon_TurnOnDisplayDevice

00028450: Window:EffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00028470: SSAPI::   UsingRaw[0]

00028500: Window:IneffectiveLockPhysicalScreen

00028500: DispSw: Unlock

00028510: DispSwCon:Unlock

00028510: TerminateDeliverToZoomController



00028510: UnpressZoomLever

00028510: _EntryIdleShoot

00028520: ShootState:0x0

00028520: SSAPI::   UsingRaw[0]
Many Thanks for your time.

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #3 on: 18 / March / 2014, 11:15:24 »
 ::) Ok, so i discovered the problem. When using stick i forgot to reset to download the stable version 1.2.0 and instead loaded the dev v1.3.0. (my other camera ixus105 required the dev version)

V1.2.0 and canon a470 with Ultimate Intervalometer does exactly what is says on the tin.

Ultimate may be using a function within CHDK ver 1.3.0  that the other simple scripts i tried do not use, maybe i have found something here on the Dev version of CHDK that i dont understand.

Bit embarresed here to have accidentally used ver 1.3.0. Will learn from that.

Many Thanks

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #4 on: 18 / March / 2014, 11:17:14 »
Seems to be crashing when it tries to set the status LED.  Try turning that off in the script parameters ?

Status LED  [ Off ]

If that works,  there is a bug in the A470's implementation of the set_led() function.  If you have the time to play with it,  you might find that other numbers work.

::) Ok, so i discovered the problem. When using stick i forgot to reset to download the stable version 1.2.0 and instead loaded the dev v1.3.0. (my other camera ixus105 required the dev version)

V1.2.0 and canon a470 with Ultimate Intervalometer does exactly what is says on the tin.

Ultimate may be using a function within CHDK ver 1.3.0  that the other simple scripts i tried do not use, maybe i have found something here on the Dev version of CHDK that i dont understand.
Sounds like something has changed with the LED function in 1.3.0?  If so,  you've found an important bug.

Bit embarresed here to have accidentally used ver 1.3.0. Will learn from that.
Not at all - its the only version that I use.

Can you confirm that 1.3.0 works if you disable the status LED ?
« Last Edit: 18 / March / 2014, 11:19:59 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #5 on: 18 / March / 2014, 11:42:34 »
I Jumped the starting Gun a little here.
The Problem with the Status Led's exists also with ver 1.2.0. I mistakenly thought v1.2.0 was the fix but the script defaults to Off on the status led option. i tried all the combi's to 0 but forgot there was an off option too.
On my prev attempt with ver1.3.o  i automatically selected an led to display as is my usual choice.

i have tried setting "status led" to the following with results on v1.2.0

None. works Fine
0. Crash
1 Crash
2. . Crash
4. Crash
5. Crash
6. Crash
7. Crash
8. Crash

Tried the same on ver 1.3.0 with identical results.

Thanks Again for your time.


Offline nafraf

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Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #6 on: 18 / March / 2014, 14:47:52 »
what is the firmware version of your A470?

Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #7 on: 18 / March / 2014, 14:53:29 »
Hi. its version 102c


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #8 on: 18 / March / 2014, 15:40:28 »
I guess you're already working on it, here's some help:
Use the LEDDrive firmware function, the LEDs are (first argument to LEDDrive):
0 - green, 1 - orange, 8 - blue, 9 - AF
Second argument: 0 - switch on, 1 - switch off, higher: blinking patterns


Offline nafraf

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Re: A470 and Ultimate Intervalometer
« Reply #9 on: 18 / March / 2014, 16:30:05 »
Here is a new version using LEDDrive, and the patch used. Please test it and report.

@srsa_4c Thanks.


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