Sounds like you have enabled the USB remote in the CHDK Settings -> Remote Parameters menu.
I did try to communicate with it via chdkptp but it doesn't conect - "ERROR: no devices available"
WARNING: capture_get_data error timed outERROR: timed out
Code: [Select]WARNING: capture_get_data error timed outERROR: timed outCan you instruct me what should I do?
/root/chdkptp/chdkptp/ -c -erec -e"luar call_event_proc('SS.Create'); call_event_proc('SS.MFOn'); set_prop(222,0); set_focus(65000); set_prop(272,0); set_prop(102,1); set_prop(105,3); set_lcd_display(0);"/root/chdkptp/chdkptp/ -c -e"remoteshoot -tv=1/5000 -sv=200 -av=2 -cont=9000" -e"luar set_lcd_display(0);" &
camera might refuse to shoot if it can't find something to focus on (usually in full auto modes.)
but you should observe to see what it's actually doing
What do you mean? How exactly is it done?
It would also be good to know what version of chdkptp you are using.
One thing that can cause problems is the "review" setting.
You can set cli_verbose=2 in chdkptp to make it print more about which stages of the remote shoot process it gets to.
> remoteshoot -cont=1rs_initrs_shootget data 1rc file IMG_0076.jpg 1rc chunk get IMG_0076.jpg 1 0rc chunk size:861522 offset:nil last:truescript wait time 0.0010>>>>> remoteshoot -cont=2rs_initrs_shootget data 1rc file IMG_0077.jpg 1rc chunk get IMG_0077.jpg 1 0rc chunk size:869084 offset:nil last:trueget data 2WARNING: capture_get_data error timed outsending stop messagescript wait time 0.1428ERROR: timed out
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