I think that direct developing of a DNG is possible because the conversion from DNG to RAW is possible and a RAW can be developed. And yes, the solution would be to develop the RAW with the nearest white balance (daylight, tungsten, etc.). I also know that I can develop with any WB in my computer, but the same I could say about averaging RAWs and this option exists in CHDK.
The problem is that I'm developing a HDR process (first in my computer, later in CHDK) that takes three DNGs and produces a final DNG with a non standard WB (although the original DNGs have been shoot with a preset WB). But at least I can store that special WB in the final DNG. So developing with the present CHDK will always produce "bad" jpgs for those HDRs, and I was thinking on the users that will want to see the HDR in their cameras in situ (just a bonus). In conclusion, the same way we can fool the camera when developing a RAW file, maybe we could also fool the camera about the white balance it must use when developing a DNG, and not necessarily the classical WBs, but anything (three factors: red, green and blue).
That's the reason I posted originally this question in the Development section, because I knew the actual options for RAW, but I wasn't sure about the control over white balance with CHDK (well, posting in the RAW section was my second option). So, if that WB control doesn't exist, then this question would be a suggestion to study and include this WB control in CHDK.