#ifndef MB_H_#define MB_H_void mb_test(int var1);#endif /* MB_H_ */
#include "mb.h"void mb_test(int var1){ // todo}
#include "platform.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "core.h"#include "conf.h"#include "gui.h"#include "gui_draw.h"#include "histogram.h"#include "raw.h"#include "console.h"#include "shooting.h"#include "edgeoverlay.h"#include "module_load.h"#include "mb.h" // mrBurns
... shooting_init(); // mrBurns test mb_test(1); // mrBurns test while (1) ...
Can someone please show me some more detailed steps how to get this working?
And I also need an idea where is the best place to put some testing code, as mentioned in my 1st post under 2.
I am not familiar with the CHDK makefile.
Look at folder 'lib' and its Makefile.
Change 'OBJS+= usb_input.o usb_module.o usb_remote.o autoiso.o' to 'OBJS+= usb_input.o usb_module.o usb_remote.o autoiso.o mb_test.o'
Change 'OBJS+= usb_input.o usb_module.o usb_remote.o autoiso.o' to 'OBJS+= usb_input.o usb_module.o usb_remote.o autoiso.o mb.o'
Try using grep -r main.c to get some idea of how the whole CHDK build goes together.
Do you want your function to run once.
...while(1){ ... if (camera_info.perf.md_af_tuning) { sprintf(osd_buf, "MD last %-4d min %-4d max %-4d avg %-4d", camera_info.perf.af_led.last, camera_info.perf.af_led.min, camera_info.perf.af_led.max, (camera_info.perf.af_led.count>0)?camera_info.perf.af_led.sum/camera_info.perf.af_led.count:0); draw_txt_string(1, i++, osd_buf, conf.osd_color); } read_batt_mid_terminal(); // mrBurns // Process async module unload requests module_tick_unloader(); msleep(20); chdk_started_flag=1;}
Unfortunately I could not try that because I am on Windows 7 and there grep does not exist. :-((may I should better switch to linux ubuntu?)
I want to develop the communication from microcontroller to S110 via the batterie middle terminal.
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Started by dexotaku Script Writing
Started by iax DryOS Development
Started by sas4740 General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases
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