Hi everyone,
First, thanks for the chdk stuff!!! It changed my life!
Well I've just playing with the scripts and made one to help me in my searching of the perfect-photo when I leave my cam to shot alone.
The idea is:
- Use the script to take photos at an interval time.
- Zoom in/out to take several detail/whole scene
(uses 8 levels of zoom, like my A550, you can change it for other models)- Take more than one picture on every zoom level
- Take continuous shots on every shot (the cam must be on continuous shot mode, otherwise the cam will take the picture and then shows the pic taken)
and the most important to me:
- All of these at same time!
- All optionally!
The script will take pictures
forever, until interrupt it with a click. I made it this way because it's the way I always dream of
I leave the REMs out to gain speed, but I think the code is simple to understand.
Maybe it's a good idea to merge this with motion detect, or other stuff
Hope you'll find it usefull, like I do.. It's great to just leave the cam away, and be completely "natural" with friends or whatever and then found at least one great picture at a great zoom level
cheers and LONG LIFE TO CHDK!
rem Author: Dapjazz
@title * Zoom & Interval *
@param a Delay 1st shot (mins)
@default a 0
@param b Delay 1st shot (secs)
@default b 0
@param c Delay betw shots (mins)
@default c 0
@param d Delay betw shots (secs)
@default d 0
@param e Zoom steps (1-8,0=No Zoom)
@default e 0
@param f Min zoom (0-7)
@default f 0
@param g Max zoom (0-7)
@default g 7
@param h ContinuousShots (secs,0=No)
@default h 0
@param i Shots per zoom level
@default i 1
if a<0 then a=0
if b<0 then b=0
if c<0 then c=0
if d<0 then d=0
if e<0 then e=0
if e>8 then e=8
if f<0 then f=0
if f>7 then f=7
if g<0 then g=0
if g>7 then g=7
if h<0 then h=0
if i<1 then i=1
if e>0 then print "[*] Zoom Mode"
if h>0 then print "[*] ContinuousShot Mode"
if e>0 then set_zoom f
if b>0 then gosub "pause"
if e=0 then goto "nozoomshot"
for w=1 to i
print "Shot ",w;"/",i;" at zoom ",z
if h>0 then gosub "continuous" else shoot
if n>0 then gosub "pause"
next w
if z>g then z=g
if z>=g then e=e*-1
if z<f then z=f
if z<=f then e=e*-1
set_zoom z
goto "zoomshot"
if h>0 then gosub "continuous" else shoot
if n>0 then gosub "pause"
goto "nozoomshot"
press "shoot_half"
sleep 1500
press "shoot_full"
wait_click h*1000
release "shoot_full"
for m=0 to n-1
print "Timer ", q/60; "min", q%60; "sec"
sleep 960
next m