2. I take an additional highlight detail shot (Tv + additional 75, Sv minus additional 150) each pass
What do you mean?
I take two shots per cycle:
http://www.bruceallen.tv/projects/2008/for_forum_posts/timelapse_bracketed.jpgThen combine them in post
my shooting code is now:
rem we can now shoot
sleep 40
set_sv96 (Y - 25)
set_tv96_direct (X + 25)
sleep 40
sleep 40
print "SHOOT",p,(X + 25), (Y - 25)
set_sv96 (Y - 150)
set_tv96_direct (X + 100)
sleep 40
print "SHOOT BRACKET",p, (X + 100), (Y - 150)
I THINK this gives me better latitude when I combine the two shots in post, HDR style.
Need to test to see which is best:
1. taking 1 long exposure shot at as low an ISO as possible
2. taking 2 shots with different bracketing
3. taking many shots as fast as possible and merging them in post
I am currently trying method #2, you are using method #1. Need to try method #3 too...
] 3. I decreased sleep times from 500 to 400 for the metering section,
] from 100 to 40 for all other sections. So far no ill effects!
Yes... those were of cource just guessed values, the problems I was having is that some frames were way under-exposed (the set_tv96_direct was not working)
I had that happen once. Going to test a bit more and try to figure out what is up.
BTW, regarding further speedups, I am trying putting it into MF mode beforehand, hopefully speeding up metering because no AF needed? I read somewhere on the CHDK forums you need to keep the display on (or connect the video out cable), or else the camera doesn't meter or focus properly? Not sure, need to test...
Can you share a sample?
http://www.bruceallen.tv/projects/2008/for_forum_posts/bruce_timelapse_test_3.movIt looks great at 1920x1080 res BTW...
Please yes, at least the get_tick_count change would definitely be a bonus
at the moment, my code is simply this (please ignore the //, they are just to clarify):
q = get_tick_count // get how many ticks have elapsed total since camera was switched on
l = 0 // keep track of how many ticks we wait
r = get_tick_count // find out total ticks elapsed now (after shoot)
k = (r - q) / 3000 // k = total number of seconds it took to shoot (on my camera it seems to be
// 3000 ticks per second, not too sure
if k < a then // a = desired shot length
l = l + 100 // add 100 ticks to counter
sleep 100 // wait 100 ticks
goto "sloop" // test again
print "WAITED",l
q = r // start counting ticks again for next cycle
Two things:
1. this is messy, should be a nice do while loop - it's been a few years since I last wrote much code

2. I need to take into account the fact that each line of code is supposed to take 10 ticks to execute
PS your site gives a 403 error
I know... haven't had time to update. Timelapse more important!
BTW, this is all for short film / music video / commercial / video art projects. Hopefully. Anyway, I was just watching the Wong Kar Wai film Chunkging Express tonight - and it had tons of well-used timelapse. I think it really helped the story. So this is hopefully not for nothing.
Next thing that I think would be cool would be to have a simple motorized rig. Even if you make something out of frikkin' lego - it would be cool if the camera slowly tracked in the foreground. Gonna try some crazy things involving that plus multiple cameras and lenses in the next few months and will need to send some beers in the general direction of you good CHDK guys if this ever gets used in a working project.
Also, if anyone has cool timelapse stuff that they'd let me use, let me know. Like I said, Los Angeles is the capital city of boring clouds and not exactly the most friendly place to set up cameras, etc.
Bruce Allen
www.boacinema.com (yes, I know, it's not working right now