Timelapse with variable shutter speed - page 10 - Completed and Working Scripts - CHDK Forum

Timelapse with variable shutter speed

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Offline fbonomi

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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #90 on: 22 / May / 2008, 09:41:06 »
So you are not distributing the source?
That makes it impossible for me to use your build, I keep fiddling with the C source...

Now I've been asked this twice in two days. :]

Maybe that's a hint :-)

I have nothing personal with that but you are going against GPL: if you distribute the compiled form, you have to distribute the source code too.


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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #91 on: 22 / May / 2008, 09:50:52 »
but you are going against GPL: if you distribute the compiled form, you have to distribute the source code too

Beg to differ on that: base source code (in trunk) + Juci diffs = his source code -> full GPL compliance
IMHO the only thing one can complain about is the size of the diff, which makes it quite a bit of work to
apply manually  :D



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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #92 on: 22 / May / 2008, 09:59:03 »

Jucifer's patch is actually the code. It's a text file (.diff extension) formatted to show only the differences between his code and the trunk. That way a developer doesn't need to upload ALL the code and is easier for you to integrate someone else's work with your own.

You can use TortoiseSVN to apply Jucifer's patch automatically. Although some changes have to be made by a human.


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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #93 on: 22 / May / 2008, 10:31:29 »
And better check those files not yet in the trunk when merging...

I can distribute also the source zipped. What files does it really need? *.c *.h *.S *.inc *.sh *.txt *.ld ?akefile (using 7-zip to archive, don't want to include all the [admin: avoid swearing please]...)


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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #94 on: 22 / May / 2008, 10:54:42 »
Yay, that would be cool Juci  :D Since most of the diff is taken up by the lua stuff, and all these new files need lots of
'+' removed. Don't sweat it though, programmers should program, not do admin/housekeeping  :haha

keep up the good work,



Offline fbonomi

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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #95 on: 22 / May / 2008, 11:01:23 »
I apologize, I didn't see the link to the diff, just the links to the posts on the board.
Sorry for that, jucifer!


Offline Jucifer

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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #96 on: 22 / May / 2008, 16:21:03 »
...so there's this in core/raw.c, raw_savefile():
if (state_kbd_script_run && shot_histogram_enabled) build_shot_histogram();

shot_histogram_enabled is set with scripting command shot_histo_update (was initially shot_histo_enable, but the last shot histogram is available anyhow, so... Any ideas how to name it? Or other ideas?)

Have to do a bit testing & cleaning up before publishing anything. Maybe tomorrow evening. First some sleep, then some work. Then more CHDK. :]

Me a programmer? Nah. :] (I really can't code anything "new"... :I)


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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #97 on: 22 / May / 2008, 16:44:40 »
but the last shot histogram is available anyhow

I can't understand.. What do you mean?
The last histogram is not available... The RAW data is there, but the histogram hasn't been built, as it is built (if enabled) just after the shot.

So, if you do
Code: [Select]
get_histo_range 100 800 a
you wont'get data

You have to do
Code: [Select]
get_histo_range 100 800 a

But maybe I mis-understood you!


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Re: Timelapse with variable shutter speed
« Reply #98 on: 23 / May / 2008, 01:45:17 »
if you first do

a=get_histo_range 100 800

a will be 0

shot_histo_update 1
a=get_histo_range 100 800

a is "something", let's call it 14

shot_histo_update 0
a=get_histo_range 100 800

and a is still 14
(data in shot_histogram[] is changed only, when shooting from a script and shot_histo_update 1 was used before shooting)
if shot histogram (updating) isn't enabled, is emptying shot_histogram[] necessary? it'll just take time... (only a bit, but still)

(note to self)

I'll change the scripting command back to shot_histo_enable.
If it's not set, get_histo_range returns -1.
I think this could make sense.
« Last Edit: 23 / May / 2008, 02:57:01 by Jucifer »


Offline fbonomi

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First night-long time-lapse
« Reply #99 on: 25 / May / 2008, 02:52:48 »
This is the first (decent) result of a night-long time-lapse, including sunset and dawn.

2020 shots, from 19:30 to 06:45, with exposures ranging from 1/2000", 160 ISO to 20", 1500 ISO.

Here is the video: Night-long time-lapse 1

Better in MPEG1 format (abt 20MB): Night-long time-lapse 1

and below is the graph of the movie:

There are evident problems:
 - flickers in brightness around frames 650 and 1350 (we are at the very end of the sensors' reliability) and 1200 (moving averages method is not good for this sort of smoothing)
- around frame 700, the exposure is kept constant for a while. (In the movie, you get a short period of pitch black sky). In that moment the "over-exposure protection" was somehow triggered. I have to study exactly why.

In the graph you can see a strong change of luminositiy starting at frame 900. You can't see it in the movie, but the moon rises and lightens up the clouds. The camera therefore correctly starts decreasing exposure to compensate..

Around second 13, there is a spooky figure in the frame: it's a bird that was probably curious about my shiny blinking camera..

Overall, an interesting result and I am quite satisfied.

« Last Edit: 25 / May / 2008, 03:08:58 by fbonomi »


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