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Video out in rec mode

  • 2 Replies

Offline srsa_4c

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Video out in rec mode
« on: 19 / April / 2014, 19:59:47 »
I've been experimenting a bit on my a3400 (one of the "new" models that no longer support video out in rec (aka shooting) mode).
The good news: analog video out can be activated in rec mode
Bad news: it's unusable in practice (using the current method)

Here's how:

- video cable not connected
- switch cam to rec mode
- run this script:

Code: [Select]
call_event_proc("SetVideoOutType",2) -- 0 for LCD, 1 for NTSC, 2 for PAL
- the chosen display is now active, video cable can be connected (doing this can be hazardous to the cam's health !)

There can be issues with the video buffers (addresses or sizes can be wrong), for me the issues disappeared after the cam went to and came back from "sleep".
From now on, anything that relies on some video mode change (focusing, zoom, halfshoot, ...) will crash the camera.
The issues may be worse on cameras with HDMI or widescreen LCD.
The above script can be re-run with a different video out type (LCD).

Changes to the above steps may cause the camera to crash earlier.
Did not try to mask the "video out cable presence" PhySw bit(s) yet and I'm not sure how much that would help...

Re: Video out in rec mode
« Reply #1 on: 09 / May / 2014, 09:01:40 »
Hi srsa_4c

Thats great news, it looks like you have gotten a lot further with that than anyone else has (I have been searching the internet for the past few hours witout much luck).

Have you managed to progress this any further?  I have just bought a Powershot A4000 which I need to be able to use the video out in record mode but can't so its basically no use to me and I think I will probably have to buy another camera.

Should that script have a .lua file extension or a .bas one?


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Video out in rec mode
« Reply #2 on: 09 / May / 2014, 12:14:31 »
Thats great news
Not so great, unfortunately. Only a partial proof-of-concept.
Have you managed to progress this any further?
No. As noted above, the script will bring the camera into a state where it will output analog video, but will crash on any kind of shooting/focusing/zooming/etc. attempt. 
I have just bought a Powershot A4000 which I need to be able to use the video out in record mode but can't so its basically no use to me and I think I will probably have to buy another camera.
Since there is no real solution at this point, return the camera if you can and avoid all newer A series models.
Choose another one from the list of supported cameras, and ask if unsure if it supports video out in rec mode.
Should that script have a .lua file extension or a .bas one?
Lua, it also needs enabled 'native calls' (misc. menu).


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