Hi all, hoping someone may have seen this before.
I have A800 running Ultimate Intervalometer that runs and operates fine until it reaches end of day (as set by geographical location, ucs and running dawn to dusk.
It simply stops on reaching dusk with lens still extended and totally powers off.
As a test i have altered the usc by 1 hour later and the camera shuts down 1 hour later too.
I have set chdk to record crash log but in every case nothing is recorded.
I am going to Misc Stuff, Debug Parameters, Save Rom crash log and i get an ok but does not record so i cannot post any logs here. (is my procedure correct for crash log?)
My PSU is tried and tested, (tried several) , all heavy gauge wires psu both ac types and regulator types all capable of 3 amps some even to 10 amps, battery powered 240 Ah), mains etc.
Totally convinced not a Psu issue but more something to do with the camera itself.
I will try tonight running from new AA batteries about 5 minutes before estimated shut down to see what happens.
All my other cameras are totally reliable, it's just this one. So any tips before i give it to my neighbors kids would be appreciated especially regarding the non recording of crash log.
does the lens try to retract at dusk, i have not noticed as yet???