___> cconnected: Canon PowerShot A3200 IS, max packet size 512con> =return call_event_proc("UI.CreatePublic")1:return:1041352con 1> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_Create",0,0,"foo",2)2:return:0con 2> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_SetStr",0,"bar",0)3:return:0con 3> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_SetStr",0,"baz")unexpected return code 0x2ffERROR: ptp error
Note that LCDMsg_SetStr expects two arguments. If I only give 2 arguments, the call will crash the camera with a 0xc exception. If I add another dummy arg, it will succeed. I suspect that the assembly helper in lib/armutil/callfunc.S has an issue with certain (number of) parameters(?)
connected: Canon PowerShot A495, max packet size 512con> =return call_event_proc("UI.CreatePublic")2:return:911664con 2> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_Create",100,100,"foo",0x59)3:return:0con 3> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_SwDisp",0,0)4:return:0con 4> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_SwDisp",0,1)5:return:0con 5> =return call_event_proc("LCDMsg_SetStr",0,"xyz")unexpected return code 0x2ffERROR: ptp error
"foo" turned into "FAILED" on screen before camera crash.
=return call_event_proc('System.Create')1:return:0=return call_event_proc('AllocateMemory',100)2:return:2412080=return call_event_proc('sprintf',2412080,'hello world')3:return:11=local t={} local p=2412080 while true do c=peek(p,1) if c==0 then break end table.insert(t,string.char(c)) p=p+1 end return table.concat(t)6:return:'hello world'=return call_event_proc('sprintf',2412080,'hello %s','another world')9:return:19=local t={} local p=2412080 while true do c=peek(p,1) if c==0 then break end table.insert(t,string.char(c)) p=p+1 end return table.concat(t)10:return:'hello another world'=return call_event_proc('sprintf',2412080,'hello %s %d','world',2)11:return:13=local t={} local p=2412080 while true do c=peek(p,1) if c==0 then break end table.insert(t,string.char(c)) p=p+1 end return table.concat(t)12:return:'hello world 2'=return call_event_proc('sprintf',2412080,'hello %s %d %d %d %d','world',1,2,3,4)13:return:19con 13> =local t={} local p=2412080 while true do c=peek(p,1) if c==0 then break end table.insert(t,string.char(c)) p=p+1 end return table.concat(t)14:return:'hello world 1 2 3 4'
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