Building a mult-camera rig - page 20 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Building a mult-camera rig

  • 244 Replies

!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct(1024)')

where can I find some information on tv setting ? for example, which setting to use in order to get 1/250 ?


where can I find some information on tv setting ? for example, which setting to use in order to get 1/250 ?
The tv settings are in APEX96 units, which in turn are APEX units multiplied by 96 to scale them into useful integer values.  A change of 96 units is equal to doubling the exposure or ISO sensitivity or one f-stop.

The theory behind it is explained here : apex96.pdf

CHDK functions to deal with it are described here : APEX96 Conversion Functions

If you simply want to look up some conversions, the shutter_speeds_table[] in your platform shooting.c is a good way.  Otherwise there have been quite a few spreadsheets and scripts posted here in the past to do that  as well - but those were prior to the improvements in scripting functions.
« Last Edit: 19 / September / 2014, 09:45:44 by waterwingz »
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16


Offline reyalp

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chdkptp also includes some APEX conversion functions, see exposure.lua. You could convert before sending with something like
Code: [Select]
!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct('.exp.shutter_to_tv96(1/100).')')
The 1/100 is just an ordinary division, but in chdkptp (unlike on the camera) Lua numbers are floating point so this works fine.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

@reyalp - The cam didn't recognize the command
!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct('.exp.shutter_to_tv96(1/100).')')

@waterwings - when using following command, the camera took pic at 1/1600
!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct(1024)')

Can you help wich value to use in order to get 1/250 ?


Found old table for converting APEX96 value



Offline reyalp

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@reyalp - The cam didn't recognize the command
!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct('.exp.shutter_to_tv96(1/100).')')
If there's an error, you should post the specific error message.

As it turns out the problem is not "the cam didn't recognize the command", there's a syntax error in the "off the top of my head" code, I used . instead of the concatenation operator ..

The code should be
Code: [Select]
!mc:cmdwait('call set_tv96_direct('..exp.shutter_to_tv96(1/100)..')')
Don't forget what the H stands for.

will test it later, hopefully tonight

Other question in mind, Is it possible to set/change Image resolution (Image Capture) from remote (pc) via CHDK script ?


« Last Edit: 23 / September / 2014, 05:42:00 by novsela »

is it by
command ?



Offline reyalp

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is it by
command ?

No. That changes between P, Auto, scene modes etc.

You are looking for set_resolution

Waterwingz scripting cross reference is the best place to find stuff like this:
Don't forget what the H stands for.

it mention that it is not supported yet in LUA

(since changeset #497)
Set the resolution (in Canon grades), usually 0-8, see PropertyCase for possible values

(not available in Lua yet)


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