Building a mult-camera rig - page 9 - Hotwire! Hardware Mods, Accessories and Insights - CHDK Forum

Building a mult-camera rig

  • 244 Replies
All camera share the same Parallel ID (p=0x3271) , i would like to change the parallel ID

That is the Canon Product ID.
It is the same for all A2500 cameras.
See lines 1 and 2 here

The other is the serial ID, it will be different for each A2500 and can be used to communicate with a particular camera.

« Last Edit: 05 / July / 2014, 04:50:47 by Microfunguy »


Waterwings, I have checked on win7 32/64bit & win8.1and I get the same error.

I made some tests and I found that the camera doesn't wait for the power down (+5volt / red wire ) ,it just shoot immediately. When disconnecting and reconnecting the camera go to play mode and display the last picture

It will help me if u verify the procedure I am using

1. Install custom CHDK fw with USB remote mask ( the own you sent me )
2. Copy latest bcamRem.lua to SD card under script/lua folder
3. Load bcamRem.lua script on camera
4. Set cam number (ex, 1)
5. Enable USB remote & enable sync
6. Press shot button (go rec mode , see the camera number and image count screen )
7. Run commands from PC CLI

Am I right ?

Waterwings, I have checked on win7 32/64bit & win8.1and I get the same error.
Okay - I'll ask this a third and final time :  If you are not going to read my replies and check the things I request, helping you becomes very difficult. I'd like to know if the basic CHDKPTP program is working prior to trying to get the script running.   Try this for example :

Code: [Select]
chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG BACKUP.CFG"
Also, rather than post pictures of your camera and screen,  please cut and paste directly from the terminal window to your posts.  Or at least,  use screenshot software to get a clear image.  Squinting at the picture,  the file folder on your camera where the image resides seems to have a very funky name?

On a side note, one of the things I'm trying to do to enhance reyalps's script is provide more user friendly error checking that the system is up and running properly (i.e. all cameras responding and running the remote script with camera numbers configure).  Having a Lua call stack dump every time something goes wrong is not too helpful for the average user.  Made some progress this week - will likely post an update in the next couple of days.

I made some tests and I found that the camera doesn't wait for the power down (+5volt / red wire ) ,it just shoot immediately. When disconnecting and reconnecting the camera go to play mode and display the last picture
Please describe these tests in more detail.

It will help me if u verify the procedure I am using
1. Install custom CHDK fw with USB remote mask ( the own you sent me )
2. Copy latest bcamRem.lua to SD card under script/lua folder
3. Load bcamRem.lua script on camera
4. Set cam number (ex, 1)
5. Enable USB remote & enable sync
6. Press shot button (go rec mode , see the camera number and image count screen )
7. Run commands from PC CLI
Basically correct.   In step 2 you will probably find it easier to just put the script in A/CHDK/SCRIPTS.  And you don't need to do step 5 - the script does that for you when it runs.
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

waterwings - sorry I missed your post earlier (I am following the forum via email updates so I missed your post I forwarded to the latest one )

When the script isnt loaded /running (NO blue & red screen ), I can upload and download file from/to camera.
When the script is running , I can't upload / download files


chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG BACKUP.CFG"

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG BACKUP.CFG"
connected: Canon PowerShot A2500 , max packet size 512
ERROR: stat source A/CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG failed: A/CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG: error

When the shoot is suppose to occure with bcamRem.lua ? when sending following command ? or after opening the 5 volt circuit (red wire - usb remote shoot)
chdkptp>chdkptp.exe -e"! bc=require('bcamHost') bc:connect() bc:cmdwait('shoot')"

I am following the forum via email updates so I missed your post I forwarded to the latest one.
That's probably not going to work very well if you want to get this running judging by the apparent number of missed posts so far.

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG BACKUP.CFG"
connected: Canon PowerShot A2500 , max packet size 512
ERROR: stat source A/CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG failed: A/CHDK/CCHDK3.CFG: error
Strange - doesn't sound like you are actually running the 1.3.0 version of CHDK I made for you.  Which would also explain your issues with USB "red wire" sync.

Please go to the CHDK Miscellaneous Stuff menu, select Show Build Info, and post what you see there ?

Also, please try this and tell me if it works ?

Code: [Select]
chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:cmdwait('rec') mc:cmdwait('shoot') mc:cmd('exit')"
chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:download_last() mc:cmd('exit')"

When the shoot is suppose to occure with bcamRem.lua ? when sending following command ? or after opening the 5 volt circuit (red wire - usb remote shoot)
chdkptp>chdkptp.exe -e"! bc=require('bcamHost') bc:connect() bc:cmdwait('shoot')"
The shoot will start when you send the command and the LCD screen will go dark.  The shoot will complete when you open the red wire.

Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

Sorry , It wont happen again

Please go to the CHDK Miscellaneous Stuff menu, select Show Build Info, and post what you see there ?

CHDK Ver : CHDK 1.3.0
Revision : 3462
Date : Jun 15 2014
Time : 17:23:16
Camera : a2500
FW Vers: 100a
Compiler : GCC 4.4.3

Also, please try this and tell me if it works ?

Code: [Select]
chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:cmdwait('rec') mc:cmdwait('shoot') mc:cmd('exit')"
chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:download_last() mc:cmd('exit')"


C:\chdkptp>chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:cm
dwait('rec') mc:cmdwait('shoot') mc:cmd('exit')"
1:Canon PowerShot A2500  bus=\\.\libusb0-0003--0x04a9-0x3271 dev=bus-0 sn=260A8C
WARNING: 1:Canon PowerShot A2500 : attempting to stop running script
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :rec
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :shoot
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :exit

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:do
wnload_last() mc:cmd('exit')"
ERROR: call failed:[string "mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start(..."]:1
: attempt to call method 'download_last' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        C:\chdkptp\lua\cli.lua:566: in function <C:\chdkptp\lua\cli.lua:561>
        (...tail calls...)
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        C:\chdkptp\lua\cli.lua:244: in function 'execute'
        C:\chdkptp\lua\main.lua:194: in function 'do_execute_option'
        C:\chdkptp\lua\main.lua:227: in function 'do_no_gui_startup'
        C:\chdkptp\lua\main.lua:262: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'require'
        [string "require('main')"]:1: in main chunk

Looks like your version of chdkptp is more than a month old - the download_last() function was added early in June.

Try downloading the latest and see what happens ?
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

I download  from

What about the a2500 FW , Am I using your custom FW ?

I download  from
Looks like reyalp has not updated his built Windows version in a few weeks.  Try replacing the lua/multicam.lua script with the one attached here and rerun the test commands?

What about the a2500 FW , Am I using your custom FW ?
Looks like it.   I have too much old junk on my SD card.  Try this instead :

Code: [Select]
chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK4.CFG BACKUP.CFG"
Ported :   A1200    SD940   G10    Powershot N    G16

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp -c -e"d CHDK/CCHDK4.CFG BACKUP.CFG"
connected: Canon PowerShot A2500 , max packet size 512

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:cm
dwait('rec') mc:cmdwait('shoot') mc:cmd('exit')"
1:Canon PowerShot A2500  bus=\\.\libusb0-0003--0x04a9-0x3271 dev=bus-0 sn=260A8C
WARNING: 1:Canon PowerShot A2500 : attempting to stop running script
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :rec
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :shoot
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :exit

C:\chdkptp>chdkptp  -e"exec mc=require('multicam') mc:connect() mc:start() mc:do
wnload_last() mc:cmd('exit')"
1:Canon PowerShot A2500  bus=\\.\libusb0-0003--0x04a9-0x3271 dev=bus-0 sn=260A8C
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :getlastimg
1 1:Canon PowerShot A2500
ERROR: General Error
1:Canon PowerShot A2500 :exit

The cam shoot immediately , it doesn't wait to 5 volt to go off



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