A partial boot.c is attached. It was done with CHDK-PT, loosely following the sx510 port. The functions are copied straight from CHDK-PT, indentation and comments show where the changes and additions are. I hope it's enough for a "hint".
Continued from here
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=11689.msg114537#msg114537Thanks for partial boot.c
Compiling Issue was due to some sort of "Cleaning" issue as NO CHDK camera would complie successufly.
Wiped every thing and started afresh.
Re:- "hint" Ive got your hint but there is one basic point I am still confused on:-
Some Brief History:-
* Original Firmware Dump for Ixus 265.
* Compile Sig-find error.
* DumpF, then Edited, "-10000"
* DumpF_Edited used to produce, incorrect, Versions #1, #2 and #3
* CHDK Version then changed to CHDK_3496 which fixed Compile Sig-find error.
* Reverting back to DumpF.....
DumpF is the only version of the three that aligns correctly with your boot.c
DumpF also aligns correctly with the new ELPH 340 Dump.
BUT it appears, to me, to have a hard firmware coded backward reference.
# Which is the correct version that I should continue with.
# What is the correct CHDK value for the ROM start.
# Is the backward reference important.