I've put 5 LED flashes when booting start & then 3 quick LED flashes after the boot sequence finishes in boot.c. It seems like the camera makes it all the way through - I see the LED blinking 8 times, but nothing appears on the screen and it just seems to be powered off like normal.
Ok, I managed to get some tasks running and some leds blinking after calls to spytask and taskcreatePhySw,
Yes, that sounds about right.
After this I tried putting back spytask - this caused the camera to start up and then fail on an exception after a few seconds. I'll attach the Romlog.
I also tried putting back the CreateTask patch, but this caused camera to hang when loading CHDK. What is the CreateTask patch supposed to do?
Maybe You have compiled chdk for Ixus 265 HS for testing? I wanna run remote control by usb cable. Thx for help:)
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